Nik Bentel, an eccentric designer, has made a reappearance with his popular Pasta Bag design. Last summer, the fashion guru made headlines with his Barilla-inspired cross bag, but now he promises an update in the classic bag’s sequel launch. Nikolas “Nik” Bentel is a designer who goes beyond fashion to transform ordinary items into extraordinary works of art. The product designer, a Brown-RISD dual degree program alumnus, has worked with various firms to bring unconventional kinds of product design to reality.

More on Nik Bentel, the creator of Pasta Bags?

Bentel describes himself as a “creator of things, huge, tiny, everything in between” on Instagram. Every month, he also launches new products. The designer, who focuses significantly on craftsmanship, typically takes a futuristic approach to his ideas. Bentel is well known for the Botticelli dress, in addition to being the brains behind the Pasta Bag.

Nik Bentel

Bentel was inspired to create his viral Pasta Bag after purchasing his 100th bag of penne during the lockdown. He decided to reimagine the Barilla pack, which became a huge hit. It is worth noting that this is the first time Bentel is reintroducing a limited edition design.

The Pasta Bag: Everything You Need to Know

The fashion item initially became public last year when a few Twitter accounts gained access to the images Bentel had supplied to the press. The fashion entrepreneur told Food & Wine that the photographs that circulated caused the Pasta Bag to become viral. Following a flood of orders via his website, Bentel recognized his crossbody bag had become a success. He also mentioned that the number of preorders he received much exceeded his budget.

Nik Bentel Pasta Bag Design

He eventually had to remove the preorders link because he was worried he wouldn’t have enough bags for the actual launch. There was a significant turnout of purchasers on the day the performance artist presented the Pasta Bag, and the item, according to him, sold out in 10 minutes. Bentel estimated that his website had around 60,000 visitors. In hindsight, the designer was inspired to reintroduce the limited edition crossbody Pasta Bag. He described his sentiments of achievement as follows:

“I had not anticipated it happening in this manner. I was sitting alone in my room, screaming inwardly to myself. It was thrilling, particularly at 10 a.m. when you hadn’t had any coffee.”

The achievement was “humbling” for the New York-based bag creator, but he also admitted that not many fashion fans who had clamored for the leather bag could afford them. Bentel saw the need for a stylish sequel, therefore the Pasta Bag 2.0 was released on Wednesday, June 8.

The new Pasta Bag line, like the original concept, is a limited edition, with just 100 bags available. Bentel, on the other hand, made several changes, including introducing more of his own ideas and another pasta brand called De Cecco.
