It’s the bug sweeping the UK after a 75 percent surge in cases but many thousands of people are unknowingly committing a norovirus mistake that actually spreads it more widely.

Norovirus can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in its unfortunate victims and puts people out of action for days battling to stay hydrated.

For children and people with poor immune systems, the virus can be even more serious as dehydration takes hold.

The UKHSA has revealed a 75 percent increase in cases this spring thanks to unusually cold weather and the government urged people with the virus not to go to school or work to help stop the spread.

But there is one thing people with norovirus are doing which is actually making things worse.

According to NHS advice, washing hands frequently with soap and water is the best way to kill the virus.

But using hand sanitiser and hand gels does not kill the virus, so if you’re relying on those to stop the spread, it won’t work and you could unknowingly be spreading it further through contact on surfaces.

Norovirus can be caught through close contact with an infected person and through touching surfaces or objects which have the virus on them, then touching your mouth. 

Eating food that’s been prepared by someone with the virus can also spread the illness.

Anyone with norovirus who has vomited blood, has green vomit or has a stiff neck and pain when looking at bright lights is being told to call 999 immediately as these are the serious symptoms requiring immediate attention.

For everyone else, keep drinking water to stay hydrated and use soap, not hand gel.

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