By illogical extension in search of ever more edgy radical nonsense, the crazy-train left is capable of damn near anything, particularly when related to “climate change” — AKA: “The existential threat of mankind. How nonsensical, you ask? It’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in a while — and the competition is stiff.

Ready? Washington State University graduate students Brandon Edwards-Schuth and Marco Cerqueira wrote the following in a recent Northwest Journal of Teacher Education article:

The world is facing a looming existential threat caused by exploitative habits and intentional human negligence.

OK, sans the “existential threat” hysteria, I can buy the concept — to a point. At least for argument’s sake. However, Edwards-Schuth and Cerqueira continued way beyond that point. These scholarly geniuses summed up their plan to conquer the pretend looming existential threat in one word: “Plantifa.” Clever, for sure, but what the? 

“Plantifa,” they wrote, “is situated at the intersections of anti-fascism, eco-justice, decolonization, and arts-based curriculum theories.” Lost? Me, too. Here’s more:

We feel that education rooted in a Plantifa curriculum can be one potential way for both teachers and communities to use a diversity of tactics to fight climate change and subvert power structures working against environmental justice.

Edwards-Schuth and Cerqueira suggest that students engage in “guerilla gardening.” Assuming you’re unfamiliar with the term, here ya go:

Guerilla gardening is a subversive and communal eco-justice approach to environmental degradation and inequity. While traditional gardening in communities may manifest in designated flower beds or defined community gardens, guerrilla gardening is intentional gardening without borders.

It is direct action in the specific form of “illicit cultivation of someone else’s land,” because it ought to be utilized for growing trees and food for the community Thus, vacant lots, medians, and “derelict land” are still spaces of eco-potentiality.

Uh-huh. And we ought not to decide what to do on or with property that doesn’t belong to us, regardless of how we think it ought to be utilized.

What if I think your property ought to be utilized as a parking lot, so I bulldoze your house and pave your lot with asphalt? It’s a logical extreme to illustrate the lunacy, but the “logic” remains the same.

The scholars suggested “a few questions and lines of reflexive inquiry for educators to consider” during guerilla gardening, and while incorporating it into their Plantifa curriculum:

• Why is “democracy” as we understand and practice limited to humans, and who, what, or
where ought to be included in a democracy?
• Why are spaces “owned,” “private,” or possess value (or none)?
• What is your local flora, and is it legally and/or ethically wrong to plant without
boundaries; why is this the case?
• What are eco-dilemmas between private property, the tragedy of the commons, “ethical
consumerism,” and climate change?
• Why is anti-fascism important to our community, our eco-system?
• What did you learn from engaging in the performance of guerilla gardening?
• What is a total liberation practice of eco-justice, and what knowledge/skills might be
required to work towards that?
• Why is access to clean healthy food a human right?

Read through those bullet questions again. I mean, they’re a mere snippet of how far from reality the radical left wants to push this country — and ultimately the world, I suppose.

In an earlier Thursday article, I reported on the state of Minnesota’s plan to ban faith-based teachers from teaching in public schools while at the same time requiring all teachers to ensure “gender-identity affirmation” of all students. Chilling as hell. “Cultural competency,” they call it.

Just imagine: you have a high school graduate son or daughter who goes off to college, comes home for holidays, and proudly announces he or she is going to pursue an undergrad degree in cultural competency or plantifa and guerilla gardening.

Think of the upside!

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