The New York Post reports that only 1 in 5 illegal migrants arriving in New York City from Texas are sent by Governor Greg Abbott. Four out of five people on the migrant buses are sent by others. Mayor Eric Adams is falsely accusing Governor Abbott of sending more people than is true.

As of Friday, the number of illegal migrants arriving on buses provided by Governor Abbott was 2,700 since August when Abbott expanded his program to New York City. The number given by City Hall was larger and included a longer timeframe.

City Hall on Friday said that about 13,600 migrants had gone through the intake process for the shelter system since May. That put Abbott’s responsibility for the influx at 19.9% of the total tally.

Abbott’s office said another busload of migrants it sent arrived in Manhattan on Monday morning but didn’t provide an updated total of passengers.

Mayor Adams wouldn’t lie about the number of illegal migrants coming to NYC from Texas, would he? Apparently he would because it is good political theatre for him. He is using Abbott as a scapegoat and blaming Republicans for his own failures in deep blue New York City. If Abbott’s buses only account for 19.9% of the migrants arriving in the city, who is providing all the others with transportation? For one, the Democrat mayor of El Paso.

But the number of migrants Abbott bused to the city pales in comparison to the 4,230 that the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas, Oscar Leeser’s office confirmed Friday had been sent by his administration in an agreement with Adams.

That number accounted for more than 31% of the city’s total at the time.

The truth is that FEMA has been working with El Paso’s Democrat mayor to send migrants to NYC. The city is being reimbursed for its costs by the federal government.

Gonzales says the City of El Paso is contracting three to six buses per day to transport migrants released by the Border Patrol into the United States. The recent influx has local officials scrambling to accommodate the new arrivals. The Texas Office of Emergency Management is also busing migrants to New York City, among other destinations, to free up space in overcrowded shelters.

Buses, many destined for New York, are following behind those taken by those directed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. However, El Paso officials have, thus far, avoided politically charged attacks from counterparts in New York and Washington, D.C.

Congressman Gonzales acknowledges the political conflicts and says Republicans and Democrats on the border are being consumed by the crisis equally.

The mayor of El Paso said it shouldn’t be about politics. The illegal migrants aren’t coming to El Paso, they are coming to the United States. He’s just helping them reach their final destination.

“We have a lot of people coming across, but they’re not coming to El Paso. They’re coming to the United States,” Leeser said. “And it’s important that we sit there and look and see where they want to go.”

He sure is generous with taxpayer money, right? But, to deny that this isn’t a political argument, as well as a national security argument within a humanitarian crisis, is just silly. If it isn’t all about politics for the likes of Eric Adams, why hasn’t he uttered a peep against the Mayor Leeser? Adams even said that he thinks some New Yorkers should come down to Texas and block walk for Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke in response to Abbott’s migrant buses. C’mon, man.

NYC City Hall increased the number of migrants to a total of 14,600 on Monday. Of those, 11,000 are housed in taxpayer-funded housing. Adams complains that the city’s shelter system is at its breaking point. NYC has opened 39 emergency shelters to accommodate them.

Abbott’s office pointed out the hypocrisy of Mayor Adams.

In a statement Monday, Abbott press secretary Renae Eze called Adams “an absolute hypocrite” and invoked the Biden administration flights of migrant children to the Westchester County Airport north of New York City that The Post exposed last year.

“He’s complaining about a few thousand migrants being bused into his self-declared sanctuary city, yet was silent as President Biden flew planeloads of migrants into New York in the cover of night,” Eze said.

“Instead of complaining about over 2,700 migrants being bused into his city of over 8 million, Mayor Adams should call on President Biden to do his job and secure the border—something the president continues failing to do.”

Eze added: “And if Mayor Adams wants to see what the breaking point actually looks like, Gov. Abbott’s invitation is still open for him to visit the border and the real border crisis firsthand.”

Adams remains unwilling to put the blame where it belongs – on Joe Biden and his administration. He refuses to take Governor Abbott up on the invitation to come and tour the border to see what is really going on there.

It is the federal government’s responsibility to secure the border. Joe Biden has intentionally allowed the border to come to a crisis status with his refusal to enforce current immigration laws on the books and eliminating programs and agreements put in place by the previous administration. Biden is not big on law and order.

US Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island, Brooklyn) also said, “New Yorkers are struggling to get by and keep up with our city’s high cost of living.”

“To add the burden of housing and supporting thousands of migrants on their shoulders is wrong,” she said.

“The mayor needs to tell President Biden to stop the madness and reinstate order at our border.”

Mayor Adams better get used to finding housing and resources for the migrants. He called his city a sanctuary for all and Governor Abbott took him up on it. Abbott has made it clear he will continue to bus migrants out of Texas until the federal government does its job.
