The continuing scandal in the South Korean musical turn between Ock Joo-hyun and Kim Ho-young has taken an unexpected, and many hope, final turn after the former issued a formal apology to other musical performers and fans. The incident began shortly after the casting for the forthcoming musical Elizabeth was revealed. Ock Joo-hyun and Lee Ji-hye have been cast as the lead of the play, which will mark its tenth anniversary in Korea. Many musical theater fans were astonished by the choice and asked why the role did not go to Kim So-hyun, who played Elizabeth in 2015 and 2018.

Other actors in the business took sides, with numerous defending either faction. Kim Ho-young posted on Instagram, implying that anything was wrong.

He seemed to address Ock Joo-hyun by stating,

“Right now, the musical world is pure jade pandemonium.”

The actor’s remark enraged Ock Joo-hyun, who promptly launched a defamation action against him. The friction between the two actors and the musical business has been at an all-time high since then. Many more actors and artists, notably 2AM member Jo Kwon, have spoken out against musical business prejudice. In response, an apology was issued.

Ock Joo-Hyun will drop her complaint against Kim Ho-young.

On June 24, Fin. former K.L’s lead singer issued a formal apology on her Instagram page, addressing it to actors and fans. The actress began her apologies by conceding that her defamation lawsuit against Kim Ho-young was “unattractive.” She said,

“I recently got embroiled in a shady casting incident and ended up behaving in an unseemly manner by suing a musical industry colleague. I accept full responsibility for my terrible judgment and humbly apologize. In light of current occurrences, I have read the words of censure supplied by the sunbaenims of this sector. As someone who enjoys musicals and has worked in the profession for 17 years, I recognize that my effort to explain the charges leveled against me was disrespectful.”

Ock Joo-hyun

Ock Joo-hyun apologized to everyone engaged in the business as well as all of his fans.

“I’d want to use this opportunity to express my heartfelt apologies to everyone involved in the musical profession, to the audiences who enjoy our shows, and to anybody who has been upset as a result of these occurrences. I hope to quickly correct the raucous problems generated by my litigation.”

However, the musical performer took a moment to emphasize unequivocally that she was not engaged in the choice of Elizabeth and did not favor Lee Ji-hye in any manner. Ock Joo-hyun urged the audience not to allow the dispute sway their judgment of the industry’s brilliant performers.

Ock Joo-hyun

“I’d want to clarify unequivocally that I had no involvement in the casting of the musical ‘Elizabeth’ for its tenth anniversary. Please do not aim your rage against actors and actresses who were chosen for their abilities after rigorous auditions.”

On the same day, an agent for the actor announced that Ock Joo-hyun intended to abandon her action against the Pegasus Market actor. The two will settle the dispute informally, without the intervention of a court of law.
