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In this episode of Just When You Thought Oregon Democrats Couldn’t Get More Insane…
In August 2022, Portland resident Greg Dilkes told the city’s NBC affiliate KGW8 about the multitude of “For Sale” signs in once sought-after neighborhoods in North Portland, where he’d lived for 30 years. Dilkes explained that families were selling their homes due to an increase in violence and homeless camps in the area.
It makes you not feel that great about living here. It makes living in the neighborhood harder, not as congenial as it could be. It’s the first time in a long time that we’ve actually seriously thought about moving.
Rampant addiction and mental health issues have been contributors, as well.
The dire situation continues to worsen — and not just in Portland. The latest federal census numbers show Oregon’s overall population is now shrinking for the first time in decades. And the state’s losing residents at the sixth fastest rate in the nation. So, what’s an out-of-control state Democrat Party to do?
Why, propose a bill to pay homeless people $1,000 a month to spend with zero restrictions, what else?
As reported by Fox News, two Democrat state lawmakers in February introduced legislation that would establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give monthly thousand-dollar handouts to people who “are experiencing homelessness, are at risk of homelessness, are severely rent burdened or earn at or below 60 percent of area median income.”
The bill further states:
Payments may be used for rent, emergency expenses, food, child care or other goods or services of the participant’s choosing.
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Rent too damn high? Get a free monthly check, no strings attached! Choose to have a low-income job? Oregon’s gotcha covered, there, too! I mean, think about it. At least lunatic state Democrats could require the money be spent on, oh, I dunno, housing?
The legislation would also require the Portland State University Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative to study how effective the long-term cash assistance program would be across different demographics and household populations, as well as consider other circumstantial elements, such as race (there it is) and domestic violence. Um, any guesses how it’s going to turn out?
Let’s engage in a little logic 101, shall we?
Assume the presumed mindset of a typical homeless person, sleeping and urinating on public sidewalks, strung out on meth, crack, heroin, fentanyl, alcohol, on whatever. What might that person’s $1,000 monthly shopping list look like?
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Other mind-altering substances
- Junk food
Rinse and repeat until the money’s gone — until next month.
Look, I’m not trying to sound heartless, here, but how long — and how much taxpayer money — do Democrat-controlled states like Oregon and California, along with numerous large Democrat-run cities, need to figure out how to solve or greatly reduce all of the above out-of-control crises?
What more will it take, when not even residents fleeing your once-proud cities doesn’t get the job done?
The program is slated to sunset in January 2026. Wanna make any bets?
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