How to practice living in the present moment? Follow tips from Spiritual Leader.
Life is the period between birth and death. But can we live our entire life in one shot? Life comprises years, broken down into months, weeks, and days. Each day has 1440 minutes that form 24 hours. Each minute has 60 seconds. Before we even realize it, the second is gone! We can’t stop the second from passing but we can live smiling and laughing. Spiritual Leader AiR Atman in Ravi, Founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment,explains how we can be in the ‘now’. Regardless of what we do, our mind is never still. In fact, what prevents our minds from staying in the present? It is the mind. The mind swings from the past into the future, bombarding us with toxic and negative thoughts. Because it jumps here and there, we lose the moment in fact, many moments. We lose life itself!
How Does One Live Life In The Present, Moment By Moment?
Letting go of what has passed, not anticipating what is to come and surrendering to each moment as it unfolds. We must realize that we can’t go back to ‘yesterday’, nor can we live in ‘tomorrow’. ‘Tomorrow’ actually never comes! It can go only as ‘today.’ Even ‘today’ cannot appear as a chunk of 24 hours. ‘Today’ can only unfold moment by moment. Those who live with hope and wonder are not as happy as those who live with acceptance and surrender.
- Somebody very rightly called this moment the ‘present’. It is a gift to us. It is up to us to make the best use of the present because if we don’t, it will soon become the past that will be gone forever. However, if we grab hold of the present and live it moment by moment, each moment will be a gift to treasure and to be happy.
- Unfortunately, most of us live with regrets and worries about the future. The past is over. If we feel guilty about something, we can make amends, apologise or do good to the person we have wronged, but if that is not possible, we must do something good for someone else. Every bad deed we do returns to us. But the better we do, our wrongdoings will be negated.
- Not only do we live with past regrets, but we also worry about the future. What is the use of worrying? If there’s a problem and we can solve it, then there’s no need to worry. And if there’s a problem that we cannot solve, then what is the use of worrying? It is best to live with the ABC principle: A accept without protest; B do your best; C in Consciousness, surrender the rest. This is what a seeker of truth or an enlightened person does.
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Enlightenment Journey
On the journey of Enlightenment, we realize this simple truth. Our perspective of life changes as we start putting the pieces of the spiritual jigsaw puzzle together.
- We contemplate and practise being silent, and we transcend the mind. We discipline the mind, stopping it from thinking to thinking. We still it, and instead of living in the state of mind, we live in the form of Consciousness or thoughtlessness, mindfulness. This is a state where thoughts don’t pour like rain and push us down the drain.
- They appear like snowflakes, gently, one by one, for us to discriminate. The intellect is activated, and the mind helps us discern between wrong and right, black and white, the truth and the myth. In this state, we experience peace and bliss. Since the mind is still, it no longer swings from the past to the future. We start living meaningfully in the now. We realize that this moment is all we have and must make the best of it.
Thus, we live moment by moment, accepting and surrendering to the Divine will. We no longer live with guilt or shame or worry, or stress. We realize that whatever is happening is unfolding as per a Divine law, the Law of Karma. What happens in life is the result of our actions, our deeds. Further, we realize this world is only a cosmic drama; nothing is real. It’s a show, and we are actors who do our part; we come and go. We learn to enjoy the show. Positive emotions and thoughts replace negative feelings and thoughts. We live with courage, confidence, faith, trust, hope, love and peace. We realize we are the Divine Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. We know that we are all a part of the Supreme Immortal Power we call God and that this Power is everywhere and in everything. Realizing the truth, the path of Enlightenment leads to everlasting peace and bliss. Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of life. It is to be enlightened with the reality of who we are not the body, mind and ego, but the Soul. Then we are one with God and with the world.
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