Erin Moriarty’s return to television screens has reignited the debate over whether or not she has had cosmetic surgery.
Many fans speculate that the ‘Starlight’ actress, 30, who plays a superhero in the Amazon series ‘The Boys’, has had tweakments — saying that the continued comments about it were ‘very… telling’.
Now, has spoken to three plastic surgeons who agreed that the star was beautiful but had likely had some work done.
The surgeons — who did not hear the others comments — all said she had had a nose job, pointing out her smoother nose bridge and more pointed tip.
Each also suggested she had had fillers in the cheeks and lips and Botox in the forehead — with two also suggesting she may have had a browlift.

In response, Moriarty said the ‘before’ image was taken a decade ago, and her changed look was only due to ‘contouring’
Overall, they suggested she had spent anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000, saying it had given her a more angular and heart-shaped face — compared to the ‘boyish’ and ‘girl next door’ look she had before.
Ms Moriarty has previously denied she has had plastic surgery, saying it was ‘just contouring’.
She has also dismissed anyone suggesting she has had procedures as ‘mysogynists’ and ‘bullies’ who were making ‘false’ allegations. In an Instagram post released yesterday, she added the caption ‘haters guna hate’.
Many have previously urged celebrities to come clean about plastic surgeries in order to help set realistic beauty expectations for young women and those who are concerned about their appearance.
Experts also say this helps to build and promote trust and honesty between celebrities and the public.
Dr Deniz Sarhaddi, a plastic surgeon in Missouri who specializes in tweakments to the face, told that she believed Ms Moriarty had had surgery.
‘The easiest one to see here is the rhinoplasty [nose job],’ she said.
Surgeons say the tip is more refined and the top of the nose has been streamlined — there is no bump there now like in earlier photos.
‘Typically, over time, people don’t age to have bigger cheekbones and a more chiseled jawline too — so I’m suggesting filler,’ she added.
‘She also has no fine lines on her forehead, so it looks like she has got a browlift — a lot of celebrities, like Ariana Grande, have got one, I would put my money on it.
‘It is a very stealthy procedure because the scars are only about an inch long and are behind the hairline, but it helps minimize those lines.
‘She has filler in the lips too, any maybe had buccal fat reduction surgery in the lower cheeks, although that line there could also be contouring.’
Dr Elie Levine, a plastic surgeon in New York City, agreed saying: ‘She has definitely had some sort of rhinoplasty, her cheeks have definitely been augmented — it could be filler or implants — her lips look profoundly fuller too.
He added: ‘She is ten years older and yet her brow position looks as good as it did a decade ago, which naturally we would not see — so she may have had a browlift.
Dr Gary Linkov, a plastic surgeon also in New York City, agreed with the other two surgeons assessments.
He suggested though that she may have had a bletheroplasty — or reduction of skin above the eyes — saying they suddenly appeared more open.
Other surgeons disagreed, however, saying that this procedure would normally be reserved for someone who was older, typically in their 40s.
The surgeons said the shift in her facial appearance had likely caused so much speculation online because she appeared ‘radically different’.
Dr Sarhaddi said: ‘She is beautiful in both photos, but the first one [from 2013] is a very different aesthetic to the second one.
‘She looks a bit more exagerrated in the later images, the cheeks are super-high and hollow, for example, there is a shift in proportions.’
Dr Levine added: ‘If you look at her at 19 years old, I would say that I wouldn’t describe her so muchg as striking but more as pretty and attractive with a youthful look — she is very much like the girl-next-door kind of thing.
‘But if you look at her now, she is very stark, crisp lines, sharp angles, it is striking but it is not especially warm.
‘Her new look may not look always pretty to a vast number of people, like her previous one did.’
Controversy erupted over the star’s appearance in January after she received a number of unpleasant comments.
These came online and from commentator Megyn Kelly, who accused her of having ‘Kim Kardashian lips’ and described her appearance as ‘quite upsetting, it’s a massive turnoff to me.’
Ms Moriarty was quick to hit back, accusing the journalist of being ‘utterly misinformed, inaccurate and clickbait seeking’. She also accused her of ‘bullying’.
She took a break from Instagram for a period, and only returned after saying she had received messages from other women who had had a similar experience of people commenting on their appearance.