When Mary Kay Letourneau was arrested in1997 for rape, it became a national sensation. Not only did she rape her student, she became pregnant and later had the child. Vili Fualaau, the underage father, was 12. The trial resulted in her conviction and she went to prison for seven-and-a-half years.

Sure, the fact that she became pregnant was a big part of the story, but in 1997, teachers getting busted for raping/molesting students was unusual news. In 2022, it no longer hits legacy news; because it happens so often, it no longer titillates. But there is another reason; it impacts the left’s insistence that teachers foisting their sexual predilection on their students isn’t “grooming” or a bad thing. In fact, it is a bad thing. Incidences of teachers TikToking their groomer videos have exploded. The left has insisted that that isn’t evidence of bad results. But the explosion of molestation arrests belies that claim

In the first half of 2022, there have been at least 181 arrests for sex-with-children charges against “educators.” I use that term only as catch-all, because these people are predators, not educators. Of those 181, four have been principals, 151 teachers, 12 teacher’s aides, and 12 substitute teachers. Is that the true, accurate number? Almost certainly, no. The analysis was measured by reported cases in the media. A new one pops up seemingly every day. There are almost certainly cases riding under the radar, and almost certainly more TikToking or media-hogging teachers who are molesting children and  have yet to be caught.

One was caught recently. Eric Rohman, a Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, public school employee, has been a vocal and a rather visible advocate for LGBTQIA+ curricula.

Here is Mr. Rohman introducing himself and going through his woke credentials.

With a smarmy smile and wearing an obligatory “Black Lives Matter” shirt, Rohman proudly advocated at a school board meeting for “teaching” children not to “hate” who they are. He pointed at (presumably) parents for “advocating” hate, and that children will become “who they are…no matter how many candles you light, no matter how many rallies you hold.”

Well, Mr. Rohman was arrested on July 15, 2022. He was one of three men arrested in a sting operation for soliciting sex with a minor. Mr. Rohman can be seen looking down in his mugshot–presumably at his career or his prospects of hurting any more children.

Is Rohman alone in his predations? Of course not. TikTok has been the medium of choice for teachers proudly proclaiming their intent to groom. That’s why Florida’s Parental Rights In Education law was an important step at returning the classroom to “learning” — and allowing children to learn. That sort of learning does not include grooming by pink-haired misfits like this one:

Warning: video contains coarse language
