Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!
#1 – Biden Makes Bizarre Comment About East Palestine, Says Things He Shouldn’t in Interview — by Nick Arama
Biden elaborated on what he said in a prior interview about a document from 1974 from his Senate days. Now, he says it’s a “couple of things” from that period. But it’s already been established there are some 30 documents including from more recent times, as well, and including things that were top secret at his Penn Biden Center office–contrary to what Joe is saying here.
Muir asked him more about his irresponsibility and Biden claimed there were “degrees of irresponsibility,” claiming they just didn’t check when things were packed from his office.
![Congress Pelosi](https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/o/2022/364/58ab2e22-30ab-43a7-b96c-6a32080e1f78-730x382.png)
#2 – Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled in San Francisco, Her Response Is Ridiculous — by Nick Arama
Now, I’m not a fan of yelling at officials in restaurants. I’ve said that in the past when it comes to leftists harassing Republicans in restaurants, although those are some interesting questions. I would note however that Pelosi seemed to think that protesting Supreme Court members in their homes was just peachy keen, even encouraging such protest.
But the real kicker here was her response, which was a bit hard to hear. It’s “about your freedom,” Pelosi claimed in reply to the Ukraine question. That’s like it’s “for the children” — it’s the catch-all excuse when you want to shove things through without giving any real answers. Meanwhile, there’s a never-ending stream of our money pouring out while we have an endless string of issues in this country that are not being addressed, that are indeed caused, in part, by the bad policies of the Democrats. It’s never about “our freedom” — it’s always about their power.
![John Fetterman, Gisele Barreto Fetterman](https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/o/2023/61/c9c6037a-7931-415c-97ef-f04ea1babedd-730x382.jpg)
#3 – Girl, Please: Gisele Fetterman Likens Herself to a Rape Victim as House of Cards Comes Tumbling Down — by Sister Toldjah
Where was the Washington Post when actual sexist attacks were being lobbed by Democrats and their enablers at then-First Lady Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Hope Hicks, and other women in the Trump administration?
Well, Monica Heese was doing the important work of taking swipes at Melania Trump’s fashion choices, but that’s about it.
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It’s BS and a maddening double standard to boot, and it’s high time the WaPos and Fettermans of the world were called out on it.
They can’t have it both ways. Either women are equal partners in these types of relationships and are deserving of praise AND criticism when it’s warranted or they’re not. These people need to pick a lane and stick with it. Because quite frankly their partisan slip is showing, and it’s not a good look. Like at all.
![Joe Biden](https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/o/2023/38/7029bbe9-38d7-4c29-843f-f2e4034c388c-730x382.jpg)
#4 – INSANE: Joe Biden Laughs While Discussing Mother Whose Sons Died From Fentanyl — by Bonchie
What do you even say to that? It’s so ghoulish and unbelievable that one might wonder if it was AI-generated. Remember, this is the guy the press tells us is the “empathizer-in-chief,” and he can’t hold back laughter when talking about the death of a mother’s two sons?
What makes this worse, though, is that the president ignored the mother’s point in his rush to defend himself. The point of her testimony was to put a face to the cost of the fentanyl crisis, which has grown far worse under the Biden administration. She even stressed the non-partisan nature of what she was saying.
![Steve Cohen](https://media.townhall.com/townhall/reu/o/2020/210/c716496e-08f7-4910-b944-24e019f2796e-730x382.jpg)
#5 – Democrat Rep Denies Black People Have God-Given Rights During Hearing, Then Things Get Hilarious — by Bonchie
Let me help Cohen out. God is not the US government. God-given rights (otherwise known as natural rights) are not bestowed by pieces of paper written by men. That conflation not only makes no sense, but it is the exact opposite of what the phrase God-given rights means in any historical context.
The entire point of citing God-given rights is to note that inalienable rights exist outside and in isolation of any government dictate. If rights come from politicians, then they aren’t rights. They are simply allowances by dictators.
Cohen apparently doesn’t grasp that and instead believes that a right doesn’t exist until the US government bestows it upon someone. Such a viewpoint is not only constitutionally illiterate, but it’s also dangerous in that it assumes unlimited power exists in the hands of an overarching, malleable human authority.
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