Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Tulsi Gabbard Rips Mitt Romney Apart During Hearing — by Bonchie
The word “treason” is often bastardized by figures on both sides, but it has an actual definition. It means to provide aid and comfort to an enemy nation that the United States is at war with. Making a comment about the existence of bio-labs (which is what most assume Romney was referencing) is not offering aid and comfort, and last I checked, the United States is not at war with Russia.
Romney’s goal was clear: He wanted to quell Gabbard’s speech by accusing her of a crime punishable by death. Of course, Gabbard served and continues to serve in the military. Romney has never worn the uniform. That’s not to say you must have served to criticize someone who has, but it is to say that you probably shouldn’t be accusing someone who put their money where their mouth is of treason. You’d think a US senator could have that basic level of decency.

#2 – New Info on Chinese Spy Balloon From NORAD Commander Is Jaw-Dropping — by Nick Arama
Um, what? You let a spy balloon from a hostile foreign power enter our airspace with God knows what intention because it wasn’t demonstrating “a hostile intent”? Exactly how do you judge that? Wait until it gets to where it wants to go and drops something? My colleague Bob Hoge outlined any number of things that such a balloon could be involved in, including an EMP attack. Do they have to be holding up a sign that says: “We come to attack you/spy on you”? Come on, man! This seems to be an insane military reaction. Not to mention a terrible signal to our enemies that we are risk-averse and won’t do the basic things we need to do to protect our country.
That answer also evolved — did you not take the shot because you didn’t have a shot or you didn’t take it because it wasn’t demonstrating hostile intent? Which was it here?

#3 – New North Carolina Supreme Court Sends the Left Into Fits of Rage — by Bonchie
The crying about breaking precedent is also ludicrous given Earls and her old colleagues continually broke precedent to shove through far-left rulings over the last several years. The moment conservatives take the reins, though, everything from the last term is supposed to stand? Yeah, that’s not how any of this works. Earls can cry a river because things are only where they are because she overstepped her bounds.
It can’t be understated how big of a deal this is for future Republican prospects. With such a slim House majority, keeping the chamber in 2024 is going to be a real fight. With North Carolina likely to redo its redistricting, you could be talking about 3-4 extra House seats. That could be the difference between the majority and the minority.

#4 – Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s Statement on Downing of Chinese Balloon Is Ironic Comedy at Its Best — by Mike Miller
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And finally, my favorite part (emphasis, mine):
Today’s deliberate and lawful action demonstrates that President Biden and his national security team will always put the safety and security of the American people first while responding effectively to the PRC’s unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.
Wait— what?
Memo to Lloyd Austin:
Do you mean how Biden allowed the Chicom’s surveillance balloon to gather sensitive data before it was finally downed? Or, by referencing the “safety and security of the America people first,” were you also including Biden’s open border policy and continuing importation of as many illegal aliens as he can get away with? Or maybe you were also thinking about the deadly fentanyl crisis, due in large part to virtually unchecked shipments across the southern border? Seriously, Lloyd — take a seat.

#5 – Joe ‘Angry Eyes’ Biden Rants About Unity, but It Devolves Into a Bout of Senility — by Bonchie
Uniting the world in what way? Russia is still invading Europe right now. China is as aggressive as it has been in decades. And since he mentioned the country, Australia has been a dystopian hell-hole since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Europe remains a disjointed continent in decline, led by free-loading Eurotrash who believe they can control the weather.
Meanwhile, on the borders of the United States, Canada is turning into a caricature of 1984, and Mexico is a drug-cartel-plagued nightmare. If this is what unifying the world looks like, I’d kindly ask that Biden do a whole lot less of it.
The notion of “unity” is also overrated in foreign affairs. If I give 10 crack addicts a month’s worth of drugs, they’d unite with me. That doesn’t mean I’m doing something good. Many of the nations we’ve “improved” relations with under the Biden administration are simply happy we are bending the knee again.
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