I am a 51-year-old double amputee and full-time electric wheelchair user. I feel I’m being robbed of my independence because my grant for a wheelchair-accessible vehicle has been turned down.

I need a complex driving solution (CDS). This means an electronically assisted ramp and tailgate, a docking plate to secure my powerchair, and a driver’s seat that spins so I can transfer to drive with hand controls.

However, the Motability Foundation says I do not meet its grant criteria because I don’t work, volunteer or have lots of hospital appointments.

Its grants team expects me to transfer into the driver’s seat and for another person to load my chair. This removes my freedom and independence because I’d always need an able-bodied person with me.

I was told by my case manager to get a personal assistant from my local authority to help when I volunteer or go out.

I now have to prove I’ve been volunteering for six months before it will reassess my application. My husband, who usually drives, has been unwell but when I appealed the decision it was upheld.

I can’t believe a company, all about making disabled people mobile, is discriminating against those awarded the enhanced rate personal independence payment (Pip), the main disability benefit by the government.

ZD, Thrapston, Northamptonshire

Vehicles driven from a wheelchair are among the most expensive the Motability Foundation gives grants towards. The setup you describe costs anything from £20,000 to £70,000 a vehicle. However, it is sitting on a £1.7bn endowment fund and you’d think the charity could afford to loosen its purse strings.

I asked Motability to review your case. However, it told me that in order for its grant-making to be sustainable, it sets funding priorities. For a CDS this means being essential to support activities such as work, education or volunteering.

“Following an application and several appeals, ZD could not demonstrate she meets the current funding priorities for a CDS. We have offered alternatives which, while we understand do not enable her to drive independently, will offer alternative mobility to the vehicle she now leases.

“When she has been in her voluntary role for six months … we would gladly consider a new grant application.”

On the subject of its finances, the charity said it seeks to “help as many people as possible” but explained its reserves are in different pots. The grants come from general reserves which, with a balance of about £400m, is enough for about three years’ expenditure.

This does not change things for you but you are keen that this problem is highlighted.

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