Role Of Fathers In Managing A Pregnancy Explained By Dr Chetna Jain

Dr Chetna Jain shares 15 tips on how fathers can help manage the pregnancy.

Happy Father’s Day 2023: 80 % of all pregnancies are smooth. Father’s active participation ensures a happy, comfortable, and easy process. A father’s involvement in a complicated pregnancy improves the mother’s mental health and reduces the risk of fetal growth restriction, low birth weight and preterm birth. Fathers can provide three types of support: emotional, logistical, and financial. Newer evidence suggests that fathers’ habits like bad diet, patterns of drinking, and smoking can cause congenital disabilities, autism, and mental illness.

Dr Chetna Jain, Director Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Cloudnine Group of Hospitals, Sector 14, Gurgaon, shares tips on how fathers can help manage the pregnancy:

  • Accompanied her on all hospital visits. Help her with household work.
  • Support her during emotional spells like crying, mood swings, etc. Understand that hormonal fluctuations, pain in the body, and change in body image are responsible for these mood swings.
  • Give her nutritious snacks and medications on time. Cook healthy meals, and give her fruits, veggies, nuts, and proteins.
  • Assist her in walking, strolling, and other activities of daily living as needed or requested.
  • Get references on pregnancy, labour, and postpartum care. Read books, watch videos, attend parentcraft classes, and practice them at home. When in doubt, verify with the treating doctor
  • Keep her away from family and work-related stress. Share your fear, thoughts, and hopes. Talk to the baby.
  • Plan work-life balance during pregnancy and after childbirth, like childcare issues, expectations, beliefs, and social values. Anticipate problems and chart out solutions beforehand.
  • Remain compassionate, reassure her, and be available as needed. Spend time together, stroll around, hold hands, and communicate regularly.

  • Make a birth plan, and reassure her of her abilities in childbirth and child-rearing. Look for names for the baby.
  • Becoming a parent for the first time is both joyous and stressful. Take tips from family, friends and your treating doctor.
  • Shop for the baby-together clothes, a cot, a pram, and other equipment. Prepare the room for the baby. You will be left with little time when the baby is home.
  • Gentle sex is permitted. Do not force her if she looks uninterested.
  • Put finances, insurance, and other logistics in place.
  • Book the hospital bed in advance. Save your leaves.
  • Try to spend as much time as possible together during pregnancy.

How can fathers help manage pregnancy? After all, it’s your baby and not just hers. Follow these practical tips and enjoy the fantastic journey of parenthood.

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