Oh Michigan GOP, how you entertain me.

Yet the entertaining value of your shortsightedness truly bodes ill for the State come November 2022 with the possible reelection of Big Gretch.


Seems that POTUS 45 could possibly be ready to make an endorsement in the GOP race for Governor here with just four days left before the Michigan primary.

From Detroit News

Former President Donald Trump said Friday morning that he’s still considering endorsing conservative commentator Tudor Dixon to be Michigan’s next governor, a revelation that comes as Dixon’s opponents attempt to prevent him from intervening.

Four days before Tuesday’s primary election, in which Republican voters will pick a nominee to challenge Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Trump posted on his social media website Truth Social that he’s giving Dixon a “good, hard look.”

“All of her supporters are working hard for endorsement/victory,” Trump wrote. “Stay tuned!”

The message from Trump came a day after nine candidates he’s previously endorsed in Michigan wrote him a letter asking him not to work with his former education secretary and GOP mega-donor Betsy DeVos, who has endorsed Dixon.

The DeVos family has been spending money to influence more than 25 primary races for the state Legislature this summer, including opposing Trump-endorsed candidates in seven of them.

“There is a war going on for the soul of the GOP in Michigan with Trump-endorsed candidates on one side and the establishment DeVos family on the other,” the candidates’ letter obtained by The Detroit News said.

Of course, anytime The Donald makes an endorsement it is big news and a huge benefit to the candidate. However, as I wrote about earlier this week, there are elements in Michigan GOP that claim to be Pro-Trump but are lobbying heavily against Trump endorsing Tudor Dixon. Some in the party think it is anti-American for Trump to do so which is jaw-dropping in its stupidity. In my article titled Is Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Kevin Rinke a Secret Fan of Gov Whitmer?

Yet the problem I have — and quite frankly anyone who gives a damn about changing Michigan from a blue state to a red state should also have — is that Rinke wants to smear his opponent on faulty reasoning and by dragging a family that has done more for “conservative” causes than he could ever dream of doing.

Rational people can disagree on policy or actions and I do disagree with Betsy DeVos about her decision to resign two weeks before Trump’s term ended in January of 2021 for the reasons she stated.

As the January 6 Commission has brilliantly shown, Trump did nothing to encourage a bunch of Hot Heads to go down to the Capitol and overthrow the United States government. Seriously, that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger think that the guy who dressed up as one of the Village People was gonna install himself as Speaker of the House or something is amazing and silly. Super cute story but it was never gonna happen no matter how many prime-time hearings they have to try and scare people.

Yet dissing the Devos family and their history of supporting causes that Kevin Rinke and all the other candidates for the GOP nomination say they support, is just plain lunacy. Actually, it sounds like something Whitmer and her Public Relations people would come up with to piss off die-hard Trump supporters and split the base pre-November.

Somehow, magically, in the blink of an eye, a family that has put their money where their mouth is in terms of supporting conservative causes is now the enemy because of Betsy DeVos. Yes, Betsy DeVos was Donald Trump’s Education Secretary and yes she resigned on January 7th in protest of what happened on January 6th. I feel that Trump did nothing wrong that deserved impeachment and that the January 6th witchhunt hearings are more comedy than fact-finding. Yet I can separate one decision I disagree with someone on and take a look at the totality of the work they have done. I’m an adult and can think without the benefit of talking points created by grifters acting as if they give a damn about the causes I care about.

So the DeVos family has supported Tudor Dixon in a number of ways and because of that, she is automatically the enemy in terms of the truuuuuuue conservatives — the people who think that President Trump was the greatest thing since sliced bread politically and his mean tweets on Twitter warmed the soul of America.

Yet now it looks like Trump is going to endorse the very person who is backed by the family who donated to him in 2016 and 2020 but betrayed him by having a different view of an event that the progressive media is trying to turn into the Nuremberg trials. I told you that the folks up here in the mitten state are entertaining sometimes and this is why Democrats win here statewide over and over again.

What I hope it teaches some is that you NEVER go all-in on a talking point without thinking it full through to score some short-term political talking points. Case in point: this tweet from candidate Garret Soldano about the Trump news of an impending endorsement.

I will vote for Garrett Soldano if he faces Gretchen Whitmer this November. However, he lost my vote for the primary this Tuesday because he decided to once again use a cheap talking point that was poorly crafted by people who claim to love Trump and America but really just love saying they have influence.

I’m done with that nonsense and hopefully, the vast majority of the people of this state I love are also.

If you don’t agree with me or possibly agree with moi that is great, let me know why right HERE at my BIO and tell me why. If you are witty enough, I might even talk about it on one of my shows.
