Sen. Dick Durbin announced last Friday that he was pressing the CEOs of two social media companies to do more to control “hatred” on their sites.
BREAKING: Following the Buffalo attack, Chair @SenatorDurbin is pressing the CEOs of Discord and Twitch about the role the platforms play in disseminating hatred and extremist content—and what they’re doing in response.
— Senate Judiciary Committee (@JudiciaryDems) May 20, 2022
The pro-choice group “Ruth Sent Us” which published the addresses of six Supreme Court Justices seemed to take offense at that. Maybe it’s because they were banned from Tik Tok about a week ago. While the ban was allegedly permanent, it was lifted just a few days later. Ruth Sent Us responded to Durbin by demanding he “clean up SCOTUS” and hold hearings on “traitors.” They also promised to start having protests at his house.
I think it’s fair to say this group doesn’t have a firm grasp on separation of powers. Also, televised hearings for traitors sounds like the kind of justice this group would find appealing. I wish they’d tell us more about these kangaroo trials on TV. What happens when the traitors are found guilty? Granted I’m assuming they lose their seats on the court but is that enough? Do they go to prison? Aren’t traitors often executed? The language here leaves me with a lot of unanswered questions.
Durbin, there is a conflict of interest between your Catholic faith and your role as Chair of @JudiciaryDems, with sole discretion to hold hearings into corrupt Catholic Justices. We demand answers.
Catholic @SenatorLeahy, speak up as well. https://t.co/pgYnRBECCr
— Ruth Sent Us 🪧 (@RuthSentUs) May 22, 2022
Apparently the group wasn’t pleased with Durbin’s response (or lack of a response) because Sunday they added another tweet claiming he had a conflict of interest because he’s Catholic. Maybe he should be part of the televised hearings too? Maybe he needs to share whatever fate they have in mind for the conservatives on the court.
While the group’s rhetoric is escalating the number of people at their rallies appears to be shrinking. A protests at Justice Barrett’s home last week had six or seven people.
“F*** the courts and the legislature, we are not your incubators!” chanted protesters tonight as they marched loops around the block in Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Virginia home.
Federal Marshals & Fairfax County Police stood by the home but did not interact with the activists. pic.twitter.com/3sUSkyD4Ur
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— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) May 20, 2022
And a protest march that went to both Kavanaugh’s house and Robert’s house was only slightly bigger. I counted two dozen people, though one of them may have been a reporter. Not a terribly impressive turnout.
VIDEO THREAD: Tonight local police and Federal Marshals stood outside the house of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in Maryland as abortion access supporters marched back and forth outside.
“Pro-life? That’s a lie! You don’t care if people die!” they chanted. pic.twitter.com/vTskzo0DkQ
— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) May 19, 2022
Ruth Sent Us had its map of the justices’ homes removed by Google but it has since replaced that with a static map. They’ve also worked out a schedule which has different nights for the protests at different justices’ homes. If they followed that schedule then there should have been a protest at Gorsuch’s home Saturday night. The group definitely promoted it (2nd tweet below) but I don’t see any evidence it happened. No photos. No video.
17/ White supremacy is what emboldened @LeaderMcConnell to steal a SCOTUS seat from the first Black President. We failed by not rising up in outrage then. It’s not too late. Join us on Saturday to protest Gorsuch the plagiarizer, sitting in that stolen seat. #SCOTUS6 #RuthSentUs pic.twitter.com/Su2LBWJvEl
— Ruth Sent Us 🪧 (@RuthSentUs) May 18, 2022
Maybe I missed it or maybe no one showed up. There’s another protest scheduled for tonight at Justice Alito’s house. I guess we’ll see how many turn out for that.
Meanwhile, it’s worth noting that the media has given very little attention to this group’s efforts. Fox News published a report which was also posted at Yahoo News. Other than that it’s eerily silent out there. I don’t know if the media is ignoring this group because they’re an embarrassment to the left or for some other reason. I’m pretty confident that if right wing protesters were organizing weekly protests at Sotomayor’s house it would get plenty of attention.
Maybe Ruth Sent Us was counting on all that coverage to help them turn out protesters. Instead they seem to be on the verge of irrelevance precisely because the media seems to have collectively decided to ignore them.