Salma Hayek is embracing her grays—and everything they represent. Over the weekend, the actor, 56, shared a carousel of car selfies and playfully joked about the “wisdom” she’s gaining in the form of salt-and-pepper roots.

This is the second selfie Hayek has recently shared of her silver streaks. On June 6, she posted a refreshingly close-up selfie that depicted a few gray flyaways. “Me waking up and counting how many white hairs and wrinkles have crashed the party this morning,” she wrote.

Following in the footsteps of celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Andie MacDowell, Hayek stands firmly in the camp that aging is “beautiful,” she told Glamour in February. In fact, when asked if there was a part of getting older that she thought would be different, she simply answered: “Everything.”

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Societal norms and Hollywood beauty standards made Hayek believe that, over time, aging would kill her career, and even affect her chances of having a fulfilling relationship. But she’s proven wrong every day. “I thought getting older meant I wasn’t going to work; I’m working. I thought getting older maybe meant that you’re not in love anymore; I’m in love,” she said. “I don’t feel that I lost my flexibility or my agility or even my strength. I do have to say that I have found it beautiful, getting older with someone.”

In a 2021 interview with Today, she shared a similar sentiment while discussing the ups and downs of menopause. “You can kick ass at any age,” she said. “You can hold your own at any age, you can dream at any age, you can be romantic at any age. We have the right to be loved for who we are at the place that we are.”

Now, Hayek is simply leaning into gratitude. “Hell, I’m still going,” she told Glamour. “I’m still here. And it’s kind of like a laughter more than ‘I’ve made it.’”


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