Say Yes To The Dress UK helps women on their journey to find their perfect wedding dress. These three women lost their unhealthy weight and wowed at their weddings.

Laura Jackson was one bride-to-be who said Yes to the Dress.

“I have four children. Being a mum meant I was always busy and I used to comfort eat all the time. I would reward myself with food, especially chocolate. I was depressed being the size I was,” she told The 1:1 Diet.

By the time she went on the show, Laura had lost six stone.

She did this through a tailored plan curated by The 1:1 diet, which provides calorie-controlled meal replacement food.

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Bride-to-be Katie also had surgery to slim down.

After being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis two years previously, she gained a lot of weight.

She said: “I didn’t want to leave my house.”

Katie had her bowel removed and now wears a stoma bag, and was able to lose her excess lbs.


She fell in love with a lace ballgown.

Another bride, Amy, lost eight stone before her big day.

Before her dress fitting she admitted: “The dress that I tried on initially was a size 30. Today I’m hoping to try a 20-22 on.”

She did this in just a few months through a gastric bypass, which, according to the NHS, means it takes less food to make you feel full and you’ll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.

When she tries on her first dress she said: “I look tiny”.

Her mum and nan tearfully replied: “You are tiny – you’ve got to realise that”.

The bride admitted: “When you’re little, you always think you’re a princess. Then stuff happens and you’re not a princess, you don’t feel like a princess. The bigger I got, the more that princess goes. Now I’m getting smaller again, the princess feeling is coming back.”

She added: “I’m not hiding anymore. This is me.”

Nikki managed to lose seven stone before her wedding, going from 26 stone to 19.

She lost this colossal amount of weight through “little changes”.

She said: “Get something small, change it, make it healthy, make it part of your routine. Then move on to something else, little by little.”

This allowed Nicki to reclaim her confidence, as she used to think no one would love her “for her”.

Health brand Prevention recommends: “Taking tiny steps—not giant leaps—is the best way to get lasting results.”

Source: Daily Express | Diet