Westley Allan Dodd said he was sexually molested at a young age, according to Time. Whatever trauma that carried over into his adult life was ever-present, and he started sexually abusing children himself, only this time with the grisly accessory of murder attached (he was 29 when he first killed). His first victim was 4-year-old Lee Iseli whom he lured back to his house after approaching him on a playground. Upon returning home, he proceeded to tie Iseli up, molest him, and eventually strangled him to death. 

Later that year, he raped and stabbed to death two other boys, Cole and William Neer (brothers, 10 and 11 years old) who were playing in a park when he approached them (per The Chicago Tribune). His arrest came weeks later when he tried to abduct a 5-year-old boy from the bathroom of a local movie theater and, after failing to do so, the establishment’s employees contacted police, according to All That’s Interesting

In another unusual move by Dodd, while he was in prison he published a cautionary pamphlet warning children about men like him entitled “When You Meet a Stranger.” According to the Chicago Tribune, it warned of stranger danger and was separated by headings including “RUN!,” “SCREAM!,” “YELL!,” and “BE A HERO!”
