Nine in 10 countries face the threat of ‘underpopulation’ by the end of the century, scientists have warned.

A report revealed that 93 per cent of nations won’t be having enough children to replace people who die by 2100, leaving them with too few young people to work, pay tax and look after the elderly.

The International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS) warned the global fertility rate — the number of children born per woman — is falling dramatically.

It has issued a call to action, warning that Governments are failing to recognise the risks underpopulation will have on societies and economies and calling for better education so people can assess when is best to start a family. 

They have also urged health authorities to highlight the risk of modern populations drinking too much, being too fat and being exposed to too much air pollution and chemicals in the environment, all of which reduce general fertility. 

The authors of the paper, published in journal Human Reproduction Update, also want people to have better and fairer access to fertility treatment.

Their report details that almost every country will, by 2100, see their total fertility rate drop below the replacement level of 2.1 children — the number each woman would need to have, on average, to replace both parents.

However, in the developed world, fertility rates have been falling far below this over the past century.

For example, the UK hasn’t had an average fertility rate above 2.1 since the early 70s. 

It has since declined to an average of 1.87 children per woman as of 2022, the year data is available for.

Meanwhile, a post-millennium baby boom in the US saw the fertility rate hit 2.1 more recently in 2006. However, the figure stood at 1.89 in 2022. 

In contrast to the UK and US, countries in the developing world have much higher fertility rates. 

In Niger, West Africa, for example, each woman had 6.86 children, on average, in 2022 — the highest recorded globally that year. 

But if current trends continue, even these nations could face a population crisis, with Niger predicted to be barely above the replacement level (2.22) by 2100.  

Fertility replacement doesn’t account for the impact of migration, meaning overall population levels can still increase in a country despite a drop in fertility rates.

While many scientists have warned about the threat of overpopulation on the environment, food and housing supplies, underpopulation is also a challenge.

If unaddressed, it can lead to an increasing ageing population, with a significant proportion needing care and unable to work. 

Professor Bart Fauser, co-author of the latest paper and an expert in reproductive medicine at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, said more must be done to help people access fertility treatment. 

‘Choosing to have a family is a human right. But access to fertility care is often unaffordable, inaccessible, and inequitable and that needs to change,’ he said. 

Writing in the paper, the authors noted that, over the last 50 years, health policies had generally focused on reducing unintended births by promoting contraception and, in some cases, increasing legalising abortions. 

‘Many policies were driven by the goal to reduce population growth because of concerns that overpopulation would result in overcrowding, poor sanitation, disease epidemics, famine, war, massive migrations, increasing human inequality, and environmental damage that would bring about human apocalypse,’ they wrote. 

They said this attitude has contributed to slowing population growth in many parts of the world.

And as a result, the global population is now expected to peak at 9.4billion in 2064, up from the estimated 8billion today, before an overall decline begins. 

‘Not including the effects of migration, many countries are predicted to have a population decline of more than 50 per cent from 2017 to 2100,’ the authors wrote based on their review of current evidence.

They added: ‘This evolution of the world population will cause demographic changes with profound societal implications.’

They warned that some experts predict declining birth rates could lead to ‘increased political and social friction’ as those with ageing populations promote immigration to keep their economies afloat. 

The IFFS, a body representing reproductive health specialists who commissioned the report, said there are many treatments available to boost fertility. 

IFFS president Edgar Mocanu said: ‘A simple step is offering balanced fertility and contraceptive education so that everybody can decide when to prevent pregnancy and when it is ideal for them to start a family, if they choose.’

There have been many breakthroughs in fertility treatment in recent decades, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, access can vary. 

In the UK, eligibility for IVF on the NHS can vary by postcode with those unable to access tax-payer funded treatment faced with bill of £5,000 per cycle, with multiple cycles often required. 

The reasons why people are, on average, having less children in some countries are complex. 

Some women are simply enjoying the independence modern society brings compared to a century ago and are choosing not to have children.

Others are only choosing to have children later in life and instead focus on their careers during their younger years. 

As fertility is linked to age, this can lead to some women never having children or fewer than they might originally have planned. 

For men, lifestyle factors like the rising prevalence of obesity in many countries is also thought to be having a downward impact on fertility.   

Rising cost-of-living pressures, especially the price of childcare, is another factor that puts a dampener on couples having children or deciding to have multiple.

Elon Musk (pictured), who boasts of 'always banging the baby drum', has been warning about a decline in births for years

Elon Musk (pictured), who boasts of ‘always banging the baby drum’, has been warning about a decline in births for years

In recent years, fears of a pending climate-change driven environmental catastrophe have also put younger people off having children.

The threat of underpopulation has been a pet topic of eccentric Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, who has preached about it for years. 

In 2017, he said that the number of people on Earth is ‘accelerating towards collapse but few seem to notice or care’.

Then in 2021 he warned that civilisation is ‘going to crumble’ if people don’t have more children. 

And just last year Musk described himself as ‘always banging the baby drum’, warning that once the birth rate starts to fall ‘it accelerates’.

He has pointed to a downturn in Japan’s population as evidence for his concerns, claiming the nation would ‘flat-out disappear’ if the worrying trend continues. And Musk warned Italy ‘will have no people’ if its low birth rate continues.

Some countries are taking drastic measures to try and entourage their citizens to have more children.

Low-populated regions in Finland have dished out 10,000 euros (£8,500), paid over the course of 10 years, for each child a couple has.

And Estonia gives parents 60 euros (£50) per month for having one child, another 60 euros for their second and 100 euros (£84) for their third. On top of this, three-child families also receive a 300-euro (£250) bonus.

So what is behind the West’s baby bust? 

Women worldwide, on average, are having fewer children now than previous generations.

The trend, down to increased access to education and contraception, more women taking up jobs and changing attitudes towards having children, is expected to see dozens of countries’ population shrink by 2100.

Dr Jennifer Sciubba, author of 8 Billion and Counting: How Sex, Death, and Migration Shape Our World, told MailOnline that people are choosing to have smaller families and the change ‘is permanent’.

‘So it’s wise to focus on working within this new reality rather than trying to change it,’ she said.

Sex education and contraception

A rise in education and access to contraception is one reason behind the drop off in the global fertility rate.

Education around pregnancy and contraception has increased, with sex education classes beginning in the US in the 1970s and becoming compulsory in the UK in the 1990s.

‘There is an old adage that “education is the best contraception” and I think that is relevant’ for explaining the decline in birth rates, said Professor Allan Pacey, an andrologist at the University of Sheffield and former chair of the British Fertility Society.

Elina Pradhan, a senior health specialist at the World Bank, suggests that more educated women choose to have fewer children due to concerns about earning less when taking time off before and after giving birth.

In the UK, three in 10 mothers and one in 20 fathers report having to cut back on their working hours due to childcare, according to ONS data.

They may also have more exposure to different ideas on family sizes through school and connections they make during their education, encouraging them to think more critically about the number of children they want, she said.

And more educated women may know more about prenatal care and child health and may have more access to healthcare, Ms Pradhan added.

Professor Jonathan Portes, an economist at King’s College London, said that women’s greater control over their own fertility means ‘households, and women in particular, both want fewer children and are able to do so’.

More women entering the workplace

More women are in the workplace now than they were 50 years ago — 72 vs 52 per cent — which has contributed to the global fertility rate halving over the same time period.

Professor Portes also noted that the drop-off in the birth rate may also be down to the structure of labour and housing markets, expensive childcare and gender roles making it difficult for many women to combine career aspirations with having a family.

The UK Government has ‘implemented the most anti-family policies of any Government in living memory’ by cutting services that support families, along with benefit cuts that ‘deliberately punish low-income families with children’, he added.

As more women have entered the workplace, the age they are starting a family has been pushed back. Data from the ONS shows that the most common age for a women who were born in 1949 to give birth was 22. But women born in 1975, were most likely to have children when they were 31-years-old.

In another sign that late motherhood is on the rise, half of women born in 1990, the most recent cohort to reach 30-years-old, remained childless at 30 — the highest rate recorded.

Women repeatedly point to work-related reasons for putting off having children, with surveys finding that most women want to make their way further up the career ladder before conceiving.

However, the move could be leading to women having fewer children than they planned. In the 1990s, just 6,700 cycles of IVF — a technique to help people with fertility problems to have a baby — took place in the UK annually. But this skyrocketed to more than 69,000 by 2019, suggesting more women are struggling to conceive naturally.

Declining sperm counts

Reproductive experts have also raised the alarm that biological factors, such as falling sperm counts and changes to sexual development, could ‘threaten human survival’.

Dr Shanna Swan, an epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, authored a ground-breaking 2017 study that revealed that global sperm counts have dropped by more than half over the past four decades.

She warned that ‘everywhere chemicals’, such as phthalates found in toiletries, food packaging and children’s toys, are to blame. The chemicals cause hormonal imbalance which can trigger ‘reproductive havoc’, she said.

Factors including smoking tobacco and marijuana and rising obesity rates may also play a role, Dr Swan said.

Studies have also pointed to air pollution for dropping fertility rates, suggesting it triggers inflammation which can damage egg and sperm production.

However, Professor Pacey, a sperm quality and fertility expert, said: ‘I really don’t think that any changes in sperm quality are responsible for the decline in birth rates.

‘In fact, I do not believe the current evidence that sperm quality has declined.’

He said: ‘I think a much bigger issue for falling birth rates is the fact that: (a) people are choosing to have fewer children; and (b) they are waiting until they are older to have them.’

Fears about bringing children into the world

Choosing not to have children is cited by some scientists as the best thing a person can do for the planet, compared to cutting energy use, travel and making food choices based on their carbon footprint.

Scientists at Oregon State University calculated that the each child adds about 9,441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the ‘carbon legacy’ of a woman. Each metric ton is equivalent to driving around the world’s circumference.

Experts say the data is discouraging the climate conscious from having babies, while others are opting-out of children due to fears around the world they will grow up in.

Dr Britt Wray, a human and planetary health fellow at Stanford University, said the drop-off in fertility rates was due to a ‘fear of a degraded future due to climate change’.

She was one of the authors behind a Lancet study of 10,000 volunteers, which revealed four in ten young people fear bringing children into the world because of climate concerns.

Professor David Coleman, emeritus professor of demography at Oxford University, told MailOnline that peoples’ decision not to have children is ‘understandable’ due to poor conditions, such as climate change.

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