It’s surprising how something that is literally right in front of you can creep up on you so easily. Eventually, though, you have to face the truth: you have got a little overhang going on. A beer belly, even if you would rather call it another name. But is it anything to worry about? And what can you do about it?

First things first: yes, beer is one of the common causes. “An accumulation of fat around the middle is often due to an overconsumption of high-calorie foods and drinks,” says nutritionist Jenna Hope. “Beer fits into this category, and it’s easy to drink a couple of thousand calories more than you need every week. On top of that, the overconsumption of high-sugar, high-fat foods that often go hand in hand with a drinking habit will also contribute to higher body fat.”

But why does it go straight to your middle? For one thing, fat distribution tends to differ between men and women: it’s more common for males to hold excess fat around the abdomen, while females accumulate it around the glutes (these are often called, respectively, “android” and “gynoid” fat distributions). There are a number of explanations, and lifestyle factors can play a part. In both men and women, high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can contribute to a more android fat-mass distribution.

So how bad is it? Try prodding your tummy and see how it feels. “A more firm overweight abdomen can be indicative of a higher level of visceral fat, which is where the fat tissue has accumulated around vital organs,” says Hope. “A softer overweight abdomen indicates a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat tissue, which is where the fat tissue is closer to the skin. While it’s recommended to try to avoid both, visceral fat is believed to be a greater risk of poor health and disease later on in life.”

The reason for excess visceral fat storage is still being debated. Research has identified at least five genes that might lead to some people storing more fat around the midriff than others, but there is also evidence that excess refined carbohydrates in your diet can play a part. Either way, it is something to address quickly, as we are learning that abdominal visceral fat might play a part in a cascade of ill-effects throughout the body, leading to everything from diabetes to certain forms of cancer.

A large man on a rowing machine.
Moderate to high-intensity exercise delivers the best results. Photograph: Polka Dot Images/Getty Images

So what should you do? Counterintuitively, abdominal exercises such as sit-ups won’t spot-reduce fat. Training will help, but think rowing or running rather than strength training: one large-scale meta-analysis published in 2013 suggests that “moderate to high-intensity” aerobic exercise does more to combat visceral fat than lower-intensity exercise or lifting weights.

Diet is a key factor: “Where possible, try to reduce alcohol intake and particularly beer consumption,” says Hope. “Also, try to avoid high-sugar, high-salt foods that are easy to overeat – and, where possible, try to incorporate more vegetables into your meals as this can help to keep you fuller for longer due to the fibre content. Similarly, incorporating beans and pulses into your diet is a great way to increase your lean protein and fibre intake, which will help to stabilise blood sugar levels.”

It’s also worth keeping a water jug by your desk: dehydration is commonly mistaken for hunger, so drinking water regularly can help cut down on overeating.

Finally, whether your midriff is hard or soft, addressing stress will help lower your cortisol levels and make you less predisposed to store fat around your middle. The simplest option is to sleep more – you will also benefit from higher levels of the satiety hormone leptin, which makes you feel fuller for longer. Above all, stick at it: that visceral fat has probably been creeping up on you for a while, so don’t expect to shift it in a couple of weeks. This one is for the long haul.

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