
oi-Shivangi Karn

on February 21, 2022

Single clove garlic is one of the famous garlic types that has a single clove or bulb, unlike regular garlic that has multiclove. It is usually considered to be not a garlic type but rather a planting practice to produce a single bulb garlic.

Single clove garlic measures up to 1.5-4 centimetres in diameter and has a pointed lotus-like structure, with a golden-brown husk and white garlic inside.

Image Source: thebetterindia.com

According to a study, allicin, a primary active compound in garlic, is 5-6 times greater in single clove garlic compared to regular garlic. [1]

Single clove garlic has many names such as solo garlic, pearl garlic, Kashmiri garlic, Himalayan garlic, Ek Pothi Lahsun and mountain garlic. The garlic is used for making herbal medicines and is also used in culinary due to the strong alliaceous odour that comes due to the high presence of sulfide, compared to regular garlic.

In this article, we will discuss details on single clove garlic. Take a look.

1. Reduces risk of metabolic diseases

High-fat diet consumption could be responsible for many metabolic diseases such as heart disease, fatty liver disease, obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. According to a study, single clove garlic has a higher antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity compared to regular garlic. When consumed or used in a form of herbal medicine, the garlic may help reduce the risk of the aforementioned metabolic diseases. [2]

2. Protects the liver

A study talks about the hepaprotective and antioxidant activity of single clove garlic. It says that solo garlic has higher antioxidant properties than multiclove garlic, due to the presence of higher phenolic compounds. This helps in protecting the liver against free radical damage. Solo garlic can also be used as an effective herbal medicine against acute oxidative liver toxicity. [3]

3. Reduces cholesterol

Himalayan garlic is more alliaceous than regular garlic, meaning the prior is more pungent compared to the latter due to the presence of high amounts of S-allyl-cysteine. Studies say that single clove garlic can help improve the lipid profile by improving the HDL or good cholesterol levels and lowering the LDL or bad cholesterol levels. [4]

4. Helps boost immunity in diabetics

Diabetics often have high inflammatory factors such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1β and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), which may lead them to complications like diabetic nephropathy and prolonged inflammation. According to a study, single clove garlic has immunomodulatory effects due to higher flavonoids, minerals and total phenols. It may help reduce inflammation, protect kidney cells and thus, help in the effective management of glucose levels. [5]

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5. Treats cough and cold

As aforementioned, Himalayan garlic has high allicin compared to regular garlic. According to a study, allicin-containing garlic supplements can help treat common cold infections and reduce the symptoms in a short period. As solo garlic contains more allicin, it can be used as a herbal remedy for the treatment of cough and cold. [6]

6. Good for heart

Inflammation, high cholesterol and oxidative stress are highly responsible for various heart diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Single clove garlic contains high amounts of allicin and organosulfur that effectively helps in reducing body lipids, inflammation and free radical damage. This may help prevent the risk of heart diseases and improve its functions as well.

Uses Of Single Clove Garlic

  • It can be de-skinned and lightly crushed with hands to be used in preparing various dishes like curries, soups and meats.
  • Can be used as a herbal or Ayurvedic supplement for the treatment of conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Single clove garlic can also be consumed raw to boost immunity. You can consume it with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach.

To Conclude

Single clove garlic can be used in many ways, as a replacement for regular garlic. However, people with chronic gastritis or serious gastrointestinal problems must prevent its consumption as it is more pungent and may worsen the symptoms. Also, as this garlic type is mainly a herb, it is always good to consult a nutritionist or a medical expert to know about its usage and benefits in detail, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions.

How does single clove garlic differ from regular garlic?

Single clove garlic has six times more allicin and is more pungent than regular garlic. Allicin is the primary active compound in garlic produced when minced.

How do I use one clove of garlic?

One clove of single clove garlic can be used in many ways like preparing meats and curries or those dishes that require a strong pungent smell.

How does single clove garlic grow?

Single clove garlic grows with a careful cultivation method that enables the production of only one bulb of the garlic. It is also known as a Himalayan or mountain garlic as it is mainly grown at higher altitudes.


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