Losing a certain amount of hair everyday is considered normal. In fact, the average person sheds between 50 to 100 hairs naturally throughout the day. 

However, more serious hair loss can be upsetting for the sufferer and even an indication of illness.

In some cases, hair loss may be unavoidable – for example, if caused by chemotherapy or genetics.

But in other cases, we might be able to take certain steps to minimise the loss of hair.

According to one expert, a common bedtime habit could be contributing to a significant loss of hair.

Adeel Ul-Haq, a sleep expert from Bunk Beds, urged people not to go to bed with wet hair if you want to avoid hair loss and damaged hair.

He said: “Busy lives often mean that we’re all in a rush to get as many tasks completed before going to sleep.  One such task is washing your hair but then going to bed with wet hair. While this does save you time, doing so will cause your hair to become brittle and break.”

He explained more: “When you go to sleep with wet hair, the moisture along with your natural oils are absorbed into the pillow. This process dehydrates your hair and makes it more prone to breaking. Going to bed with wet hair can also increase the chances of split ends, dull hair and having an itchy scalp.”

Other risks

Sleeping with wet hair can not only damage the hair itself but also comes with the risk of spreading bacteria.

“When you go to sleep with your hair wet you give bacteria the perfect breeding ground, this bacteria can then find itself on to your pillows and sheets,” Adeel said.  “You may think that washing your sheets gets rid of this bacteria, but it can seep into your pillows where millions of fungal spores can grow.”

“These spores can lead to ringworm, dandruff, rashes, dermatitis and even respiratory issues.”

The solution

He shared tips for avoiding hair loss and breakage where possible. Adeel says “If you have to shower late at night, use a shower cap to avoid getting your hair wet.  Another simple solution that you may not have thought about is simply rearranging your evening so that you can shower earlier rather than later.  This gives your hair enough time to dry naturally.

“If you still find that your hair is breaking or looks damaged after sleeping, you may want to invest in some quality silk pillowcases.  Silk pillowcases allow your hair to glide when moving during the night which causes less friction and breakage.”

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