Your sleeping position could be the culprit behind your persistent back pain.

We’re often reminded of the importance of staying active to avoid discomfort, particularly with the common advice against sitting for extended periods, which can wreak havoc on our backs if we don’t maintain proper posture.

This is a significant concern for those with desk jobs or remote work setups, where slouching over a computer is all too easy. But have you ever considered that your favourite sleeping style might contribute to your morning stiffness?

Whether you’re curled up tight or stretched out like a starfish, some ways of sleeping can lead to waking up with various aches and pains.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to ensure your spine gets the rest it needs. With just a few extra pillows, you can support the key areas of your body for a pain-free slumber.

A TikTok user named Stace shared her revelation about achieving “optimal sleep” by adopting a position that spares your neck, shoulders, and lower back from discomfort throughout the night. It’s not complicated – it involves three strategically placed pillows.

She explains: “I learned a cool fact today about how to sleep properly, and I’m 32 years old. I only learned today how I should be sleeping optimally for my posture and for my back. I’m going to show you, and please let me know if I’m not the only one who didn’t know this.”

Firstly, Stace suggested using a pillow with a “natural curvature” to support our necks. But that’s not all.

You then need another pillow that you fold in half and wrap your arms around as if you’re “cuddling” it. This prevents your shoulders from rolling over too much when you’re sleeping on your side.

However, the most crucial pillow for those suffering from lower back pain is the third one, which should be placed between your knees. This helps maintain spinal alignment and stops your back from twisting excessively during sleep.

Stace admitted that while this unusual sleep position is “really comfortable,” it does look slightly absurd, prompting her to ask: “Who is sleeping like this?”

Viewers of her video suggested that instead of having three separate pillows, one could use a bolster pillow – also known as a body or pregnancy pillow – which is a long cylindrical pillow providing support for your head, shoulders, and knees simultaneously. These pillows are also designed for pregnant women to prevent them from accidentally rolling onto their stomachs while they sleep.

Sleep specialists at Downland Bedding claim that using a bolster pillow or using three pillows can greatly improve the alignment of your spine by supporting its natural curve.

They explained: “This helps to reduce the strain on your lower back and hips, promoting overall spinal health. If you’re a side sleeper, placing a bolster between your legs can also help to maintain proper alignment of your spine, hips, and knees, providing comfort and support throughout the night.”

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