Twitter has banished satire site Babylon Bee from its platform for posting a tweet that violates one of the precepts of wokeism. The social media company indicated it would reinstate the site’s account if it deletes the tweet. However, it appears the Bee will not be acquiescing.
Fox News reported that Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon “has no plans” to remove the tweet that Twitter flagged. From the report:
Dillon was notified on Sunday night that The Babylon Bee was locked out of its Twitter account, which has 1.3 million followers, after it accused the satirical site of violating its rules against “hateful conduct” over a joke naming Biden administration official Dr. Rachel Levine the satire site’s “Man of the Year” for 2022. Levine, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, is a transgender woman.
“We were doing a satirical take on USA Today recently naming Rachel Levine, a transgender individual, as one of their picks for women of the year. So we did a satirical take on this, and we named Rachel Levine as our man of the year,” Dillon said. “Twitter didn’t like that very much.”
Twitter cited its rules against “hateful conduct” that mandate that a user “may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”
The tweet contains a picture of Levine with a headline that read: “The Babylon Bee’s Man of the Year is Rachel Levine.”
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Dillon discussed the ongoing attacks against the site coming from the left, which has often labeled its satire as “misinformation” and sought to suppress it on various social media platforms.
“The initial attacks that we face from the media and Big Tech came from this angle that we’re spreading misinformation, and we need to be fact checked, and it was really weird how they were treating these jokes so seriously and giving them a truth rating,” Dillon told Fox News. “That didn’t really work out too well for them, they actually faced a lot of backlash for that, they were mocked very heavily, so there seems to be this shift in strategy. We’re now, instead of focusing on the misinformative nature of our satirical claims, they’re focusing more on the fact that we’re punching down without jokes or aiming at the wrong targets.”
The CEO continued, noting that these companies are “making judgment calls based on your motives and who you’re joking about, whether or not your jokes really count as jokes or if they count as hate speech.”
After transgender athlete Lia Thomas’ “victory” during the NCAA championship, another national debate over biological males competing in women’s sports erupted. Pundits, parents, and athletes have spoken out against the progressive push to have transgender women, who clearly have a physical advantage, compete against biological females despite attempts to label those who oppose the idea as hateful bigots.
As I wrote previously, everyone knows this is wrong – including many of the people pushing it. But it seems that in the past, people have been too afraid to speak out. This is because the far-left seeks to gaslight us into either espousing their beliefs or shutting up about it, if we disagree. Nevertheless, it seems that there is an increasing willingness to point out that the emperor has no clothes. This is the reason why Twitter has targeted Babylon Bee, which is a site that makes fun of everyone, including the right. So far, Dillon isn’t backing down. Could this be the start of a backlash against the gaslighting?