Leftists have been inching open the door to legalized pedophilia for a long while now. The French have embraced cultural figures such as philosopher Michele Foucault and film director Roman Polanski. Major political and literary figures have also been open or semi open about their sexual escapades with children, and it has been accepted with customary French nonchalance. France’s Culture Minister wrote about his sex tours in Thailand where he purchased the services of young boys for romps. He enjoyed them very much.

He became Culture Minister after he revealed his love of abusing underage boys. He survived and thrived after a scandal erupted. After all, they were only Asian little boys who existed to provide pleasure for men like him.

In Spain the Left-wing Minister of Woke, I mean “Equality,” is now arguing that young children should be allowed to have sex with whomever they want as long as they willingly consent. As if children can consent to adult acts like that, given their utter lack of understanding such matters. She is also a huge advocate of transgender ideology and transitioning young children.

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This has caused quite a stir in Spain and there have been calls for her dismissal, but just as importantly she has a tremendous amount of support as well. In today’s West all sense of decency has been cast aside in the headlong rush to normalize all behaviors that could conceivably enhance pleasures for the members of the elite.

Dostoyevsky famously said that if God is dead then everything is permitted. Since the late 19th Century God has been declared dead. Nietzsche’s entire philosophical corpus was dedicated to struggling with the implications of the death of Christian morality in the West, and despite his intent to create a moral framework that built upon the achievements of Christianity, he clearly failed. lnstead the Western elite is committed to embracing every perversion conceivable and becoming as animalistic as possible.

If it feels good, do it.

I have never bothered to look into the conspiracy theories that are based upon the idea that our global elite is not much more than a glorified pedophile ring, because it sounds rather kooky on its face. Especially when apparently a pizza parlor is somehow the central hub of the ring. That’s pretty nutty.

But it is undeniable that an awful lot of the global elite is perfectly fine with pedophilia and similar perversions. Jeffrey Epstein made a nice living off of being a pedophile pimp. Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison for being a pimp. And yet none of their high profile clients has faced a moment of consequence. Human trafficking without customers apparently.

When I was in graduate school Foucault was commonly read and discussed, without a moment’s mention of his rape of young Arab boys. He was a famous and influential philosopher, so no big deal. I didn’t even know until years later. I learned about Polanski during the Oscars controversy, and was appalled to see that the entire Hollywood elite embraced the rapist director and lectured America about our ridiculous attachment to bourgeois morality. When he was given an Oscar for best director he couldn’t attend the ceremony because of an arrest warrant in the US, but the crowd erupted in applause in support of him.

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Whatever contempt you may have for our political and cultural elite, they deserve far more. They are corrupt. They promote evil. They embrace it. And they are willing to sacrifice you and yours for their own pleasure.

It is in this context that I view our current battles over gender ideology. The intent behind it all is to remove all connections between modern morality and natural law. Their intent is to destroy all sense of right and wrong, true and false, and good or evil.

Keep all this in mind as you listen to school teachers admitting to conspiring against parents in order to sexually liberate children. Their goal is to destroy the bonds of family and the laws of Nature. They must be stopped.
