Want to Lose Weight? Maybe Ear Acupuncture can Help

“Since these tiny metal beads are attached to six points on the…

Barley Nutrition Facts, Benefits and How to Cook It

Although barley may not be as popular as other whole grains like…

Fish Oil Benefits for Cancer, ADHD, Pregnancy & More

Out of 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic “preventable causes of death” that…

Black Tea Benefits the Heart, Digestion and Stress Levels

Tea is actually the most consumed beverage worldwide after water, so it’s…

Tryptophan Benefits for Better Sleep & Moods

One of the things often overlooked when people are trying to improve…

Kamut: The High-Energy, High-Nutrient Ancient Grain

Kamut® (pronounced ka-moot) is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. The…

Top 17 Foods High in Zinc (& Their Health Benefits)

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in more…

Is Skipping Breakfast a Good Idea? It’s All About Meal Timing

Is skipping breakfast a good idea or not? The answer isn’t so…

10 Holy Basil Benefits: Tulsi Helps Anxiety, Acne & More

Holy basil, otherwise known as tulsi in Hindu, is known for its therapeutic…

Saw Palmetto Benefits for the Prostate and Hair Loss

Saw palmetto benefits have been known for a long time. In fact,…

25 Acidic Foods to Avoid and Healthier Alternatives

The alkaline diet has been in the limelight recently, with everyone from…

10 Ashwagandha Benefits for the Brain, Thyroid and Muscles

Ashwagandha (aka Somnifera dunal) is an adaptogenic herb that’s popular in Ayurvedic…

Black Cohosh for Hot Flashes, Menopause and More

With research revealing potential dangers of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) in treating…

The Top Zinc Benefits to Improve Health & How to Regulate Levels

You may have heard that zinc benefits include helping people recovering from…