My partner only wants to have sex when he is half-asleep

My partner only wants to have sex when he is half-asleep If…

I have a loving wife and child, but I feel I don’t want to exist | Ask Philippa

I have a loving wife and child, but I feel I don’t…

My lover says he can’t leave his wife for me. Is he being dishonest? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

My lover says he can’t leave his wife and child for me…

My partner can’t maintain an erection and I’ve suggested Viagra, but he puts me off. Should I just accept it?

My partner can’t maintain an erection and I’ve suggested Viagra, but he…

I slept with a friend’s ex 20 years ago, but I still feel so guilty | Ask Philippa

I slept with a friend’s ex 20 years ago, but I still…

My ex told me I was a terrible lover. So why did they get back in touch wanting sex?

My ex told me I was a terrible lover. So why did…

Are thoughts of leaving my partner and moving abroad a sign of an early midlife crisis? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

Are thoughts of leaving my partner and moving abroad a sign of…

I love my partner but don’t want sex with him. Should I feel guilty about my 25 years of casual flings?

I love my partner but don’t want sex with him. Should I…

Why do I long for my late husband while my current one ails? | Ask Philippa

Why do I long for my late husband while my current one…

10 Dos And Don’ts When Starting A New Relationship

When you’re starting a new relationship, there are a lot of things…

My in-laws never pay their way and it drives me mad. How can I break this habit? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

My in-laws never pay their way and it drives me mad. How…

I’m a 25-year-old virgin. How can I start a relationship when I don’t even know how to flirt?

I’m a 25-year-old virgin. How can I start a relationship when I…

The Top 5 Ways To Meet New Couple Friends

Have you ever thought about how to meet new couples or friends?…

What To Do If Your Partner Cheated On You

If you find out that your partner has cheated on you, it…

Top 3 Reasons Why We Fall in Love

Love is one of the most amazing and mysterious emotions we experience…

8 Stories That Show Real Married Life Without Filters

Marriage has many benefits, especially if you know how to work as a team. Still, sometimes…

My partner snores and won’t do anything about it. Help! | Leading questions

My partner snores and won’t do anything about it. Help! It will…

These Centenarians Hold the Key to a Long-lasting Marriage

When it comes to successful relationships, it’s clear centenarians June and Hubert…

8 Awkward Tweets Remind Us That Life Is Messy

Embarrassing moments, awkward situations, or just plain stumbling blocks are, well, a…

I am one of three women in my lover’s life, but I hate the idea of ending our relationship | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

I am one of three women in my lover’s life, but I…