So Your College Roommate Sucks. Here’s How to Deal.

You want to avoid blaming statements that start with “you” or “you…

8 Situations That Made People Realize Their Relationship Wouldn’t Last

There are many reasons why dating is so difficult these days and…

8 Times People Did Something That Made Us Go, “Oh, My Heart!”

People never stop doing captivating things. And more than that, we are…

6 Telltale Signs You’re Dating a Narcissist, Expert Reveals

Dating can be a totally fun stage when you’re with the right…

8 Relationship Green Flags You Should Definitely Pay Attention To

A good communicator will use “I statements” and avoid blaming you for…

I used to be promiscuous and easily aroused, but now my sex drive has vanished. Is it because I’ve hit my 30s?

I used to be promiscuous and easily aroused, but now my sex…

I love my wife, but I am sure I’m about to start an affair | Ask Philippa

I love my wife, but I am sure I’m about to start…

My friends are very flirty with my new partner. What should I do about it? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

My friends are very flirty with my new partner. What should I…

8 People Who Ended Up in Very Confusing Situations

We all laugh at the hilarious situations in which Rowan Atkinson’s character,…

8 People Honestly Shared That Age Is Not Just a Number for Them

Even if you wake up tired like you’ve run a marathon, your…

How can I help my partner get over his hangups? Letting him have sex with other men isn’t working

How can I help my partner get over his hangups? Letting him…

8 Dating Fiascos That’ll Make Any Casanova Want to Delete Tinder

Most of us experience dating at some point in our lives, and…

My mother died 25 years ago and I am still not over it

My mother died 25 years ago and I am still not over…

3 Things to Do If You REALLY Want to Cancel Plans but Feel Guilty

At their best, social plans can give you something to look forward…

5 Things You Should Be Prepared to Face If You Break Up With a Narcissist

One thing most narcissists have in common is that they believe they…

Reasons Why Men Are Increasingly Avoiding Marriage

An increasing number of men these days are steering clear of marriage. It can…

8 Photos That Prove There Is Always Something Dicey About Relationships

There is nothing better than a sense of humor, especially during unexpected…

My wife and I haven’t had sex for five years. Must we settle for the occasional peck on the lips?

My wife and I haven’t had sex for five years. Must we…

8 People Revealed the Moment Their Heart Finally Said, “I Will Marry This Person”

People always wonder what it’s like to find “the right person.” They…

My husband has had a stroke, but I hate feeling like his carer | Ask Philippa

My husband has had a stroke, but I hate feeling like his…