World's happiest countries revealed: Finland tops global league table AGAIN, while US sinks to its lowest place EVER

The US is unhappier than ever before, according to a new major…

Flint water crisis led to spike in children with special needs and drop in school grades a decade later, according to research that likens fallout from disaster to Chernobyl

The Flint water crisis has resulted in all-time high numbers of children…

Psychologists say having the same 'touch language' is the key to a happy marriage – take the test to learn yours

If you’ve been on TikTok recently, you’ve probably heard of love languages. A…

Ultraprocessed foods are 'harmful to EVERY part of the body': Biggest study yet links UPFs to 32 illnesses – including cancer and heart disease – as experts call for biscuits, cakes and sweets to be treated like cigarettes

Diets high in ultra-processed food may be harmful to every part of…

How nitrogen gas kills: Untested execution method that's too cruel for animals will be used TOMORROW on an Alabama hitman in world-first

The first-ever execution by nitrogen gas is set to go ahead in…