According to the Los Angeles Times, Todd’s mother believed the death was accidental, and that Todd was not suicidal. In fact, Thelma reportedly was quite happy before her death: she bragged to friends that she was going to build a sprawling mansion, per the Chicago Tribune. According to the New England Historical Society, some of Todd’s friends claim they spoke to her on Sunday, even though she supposedly died Saturday night. Adding another suspect to the mix, Thelma also spilled to her friends that she had been dating a new man, but she hadn’t told anyone his name, only that he was from San Francisco.

Per the Chicago Tribune, evidence about Todd’s body was revealed to a grand jury that took on her case. Todd had a broken nose, two cracked ribs, and a bruised throat. And, per the New England Historical Society, the damage on Todd’s throat was especially suspect. It seemed like someone tried to force an object down Todd’s throat — similarly to how Luciano forced a bottle of champagne down Todd’s throat the night they first met.

Did one of her numerous abusive partners finally go too far, ending in her death? Was it accidental, or suicide? According to the Chicago Tribune, after deliberation, a grand jury ruled her death was a suicide. There were so many suspects in the young star’s death that her case is still talked about today as one of Hollywood’s most tragic and enduring mysteries.
