A school in Texas believes its youngest students are radically mature for their age. At least, that seems to be a sensible takeaway.
Purportedly, Austin’s St. Andrew’s Episcopal School (SAS) recently carried out a lesson plan for kindergarteners dealing with race. A photo of the instruction was featured on the Libs of TikTok Twitter account.
From the March 10th foray into freedom:
Good morning, Sunflowers! … Let’s keep talking about freedom. Are there some people that have more freedom? Let’s share our thoughts.
Not long ago, such a query wouldn’t have been put to five-year-olds. A more likely class might’ve centered on dinosaurs. But these days, traditional topics are prehistoric — like racial unity.
Back to power dynamics for children who are barely potty-trained:
New York has more freedom to vote than Texas.
Of course, that statement is true: If one place permits voting without identification, then it indeed offers more voting freedom than one that doesn’t.
The lesson also points out that “money means more freedom.”
And in case you were wondering:
Black people have less and white (people) have more.
Whites make it harder for black people.
Whites boss [nonwhites] around.
The plan also points to white people’s “threatening body language.”
.@SASAustin taught kindergarteners that “whites make it harder for black people” and “white people boss POC around.”
They were also reportedly reading books on gender identity to 5-year-olds telling them the doctor guesses a baby’s gender.
Full story: https://t.co/O8dQihjkHj
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— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 28, 2022
It’s quite the burden with which to saddle young minds: They’re either incapable of a great life or congenital jerks.
But these are transformative times. As I covered Wednesday, a Portland kindergarten has shown its kiddos graphic cartoons of penises and vaginas; and it’s taught them white colonizers came up with the system of “men” and “women.”
Also waxed upon: people with vulvas, the violence of words, and pronouns such as “ze” and “zir.”
Back to St. Andrews, here’s Libs of TikTok:
One parent spoke to Libs of TikTok after they were sent a photo of the lesson plan that allegedly taught 5-year-olds about the horrors of white people. … The…parent said they also recently discovered that the book It Feels Good to Be Yourself was read to the kindergarten class. The book is about gender identity and non-binary people. A page from the book (shown below) reads, “What a baby’s body looks like when they’re born can be a clue to what the baby’s gender will be, but not always.” It also teaches that doctors “guess” what gender babies are, and sometimes they get it wrong.
Parents voiced concern to the school about the lessons but were reportedly dismissed. One parent told Libs of TikTok, “When parents confront them like I did, they will first say it was an oversight, and if you keep asking too many questions, they will tell you that you’re an extremist.” The parent continued, “When I asked my kindergartener how often they talked about topics like the one in the picture, he said it was every day.”
To be clear, St. Andrews is no slouch of a school — former students include President George W. Bush’s two daughters. And tuition for kindergarten? That’s $26,870.
Assuming St. Andrews isn’t all white, these days, it appears, even the downtrodden are in pretty good shape.
As relayed by Twitchy, following the lesson plan being exposed on social media, St. Andrews set its Twitter account to only be viewable by approved users.
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