The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, a seven-part television miniseries, will be published on Prime Video on Friday, August 4, 2023. This suspenseful episode is based on Holly Ringland’s book of the same name. It follows the escapades of a young girl who discovers the horrible mysteries of her enigmatic family’s history. Sigourney Weaver, Asher Keddie, Leah Purcell, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Frankie Adams, Alexander England, Charlie Vickers, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Sebastián Zurita, Alyla Browne, and Xavier Samuel feature in The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart. Several familiar celebrities will also return in recurrent/supporting recurring roles throughout the series.

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart on Prime Video: Trailer and more information

Glendyn Ivin directed The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, which was written by Sarah Lambert, Kirsty Fisher, and Kim Wilson. Here is Prime Video’s official teaser trailer for the show:

The trailer tells the narrative of the main heroine, Alice Hart (Alycia Debnam-Carey). She lives with her grandma June Hart (Sigourney Weaver) when her parents are tragically killed in a home fire. Years pass, and Alice grows from a little child to a mature lady. However, Alice needs answers to the questions she has regarding her heinous past. She leaves her grandmother’s house in search of them, eventually uncovering some terrifying facts about her strange family and her background. The play is set in Australia, where Holly Ringland, author of The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart, grew up.

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

Holly Ringland detailed the novel’s writing process in an interview with Absolutely Anything. She also discussed how her buddy Kate Gray assisted her.

Ringland said,

“I graduated in 2011, but it took me three and a half years to start writing Lost Flowers.” So there was a lot of stumbling about. I felt like I was stumbling about, trying to regain my footing. Kate Gray, a great friend and American author, was one of the things that helped me regain my feet.”

She went on to explain what her book meant to her.

“Writing Lost Flowers was a reckoning of telling the truth of my experiences, through Alice Hart’s story of what it’s like to have a big imagination and emotions that feel like they’re going to swallow you whole,” she says.

She went on to say,

“And what it’s like to live with unspoken trauma that casts a long shadow over your life, and how beautiful life can be when we ask for help, when we allow people to love us, and that we can be more than what people have done to us.” “Those are the emotional truths I discovered.”

Synopsis of The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

According to the official summary of the impending Prime Video program,

“The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart” relates to the moving tale of Alice Hart. When Alice, at the age of nine, tragically loses her parents in a mysterious fire, she is brought to live with her grandmother June at Thornfield flower farm, where she discovers that there are secrets within mysteries about her and her family’s history.”

The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

It goes on,

“Set against Australia’s breathtaking natural landscape, with native wildflowers and plants expressing the inexpressible, this enthralling family drama spans decades.” Alice’s growth from her tangled history reaches an emotional peak when she finds herself battling for her life against a man she loves.”

Jodi Matterson, Bruna Papandrea, Steve Hutensky for Made Up Stories, Sarah Lambert, Glendyn Ivin, and Sigourney Weaver are the show’s executive producers.

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