The identity of the thief or thieves is not currently known, nor are the whereabouts of either the Crown Jewels or the safe’s other contents. It was not for a lack of trying, though, as many became deeply invested in solving the mystery, including Scotland Yard detective John Kane, whose official report was abruptly concealed for reasons unknown. Vicars, himself a prime suspect and desperate to prove his innocence, even went so far as to attend a seance that was recommended to him (via The Vintage News). He then spent time furiously searching a cemetery once it was claimed at this gathering that the jewels were buried there. (They were not.)
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Vicars was relieved of his post as the Crown focused on damage control over solving the crime, especially as claims of wild parties at the castle began to become possible explanations for the theft (via History Ireland Magazine). Many, both closely and distantly connected to Dublin Castle and Vicars, were investigated, including the sentry, Vicars’ assistants, the cleaning staff, and famed explorer Ernest Shackleton’s brother Francis (via British Heritage). Nothing stuck, though, and the jewels, assuming they’ve survived, remain missing.