The discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center on Monday set off a bomb in the political arena. Joe Biden, who had recently chastised Donald Trump’s handling of classified information, stating that he couldn’t understand how anyone could “be that irresponsible,” now suddenly had his own scandal to worry about.
Things only deteriorated from there. After initially framing the incident as a one-off resulting from hurried packing after Biden’s vice presidency, more documents were “found” in the president’s garage at his Delaware residence. Then, weeks later, yet another document was found in an adjacent room.
In reality, almost all of this had already taken place by the time the public was informed, with the second batch of documents being secretly reported to the DOJ on December 20th, 2022. The White House obviously wanted to give the opposite impression, though, choosing to brag about its supposed transparency in the matter, and on Thursday, Karine Jean-Pierre triumphantly announced that the search had been completed.
For a moment, the left breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps it was all over? Surely, Biden could blame the illegal possession of all those classified documents on careless staffers who “accidentally” swept up SCI material into packing boxes. Of course, SCI material isn’t supposed to ever legally leave a SCIF, so how it even got to Biden’s vice presidential office is an issue, but hey, details, right? And yeah, the documents ended up separated out into three different unsecured locations, clearly having been moved multiple times. But is that really all that suspicious?
Of course, on Saturday, that narrative took another beating with the discovery of a fourth trove of classified documents. This time, they were found in Biden’s filing cabinet at his home office. To say that it belabors belief that they ended up there without the president’s knowledge is to severely understate the situation. Clearly, with so many documents floating around in so many different locations, this wasn’t just some staffers haphazardly packing boxes in the final days of the Obama administration.
Yet, somehow, as big of a scandal as the possession of those classified documents is, they’ve actually served as a useful tool in revealing a possibly bigger scandal. Namely, how the Biden family garners and handles money. For example, isn’t it a little concerning that Joe Biden was paid nearly $1,000,000 as part of the Penn Biden Center, a “think-tank” that received $61 million from the Chinese? Given he never actually taught a class, what exactly was he getting paid to do?
One of the more peculiar aspects of Biden’s political career has been his dogged subservience to the Chinese communists, and certainly, the circumstances of his entanglements warrant further investigation. There’s no doubt that would occur if we were dealing with a Republican president, and the proof of that lies in the ongoing hysteria over Donald Trump’s supposed foreign connections.
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Still, his allies would dismiss Biden’s sudden enrichment as politics as usual, akin to the Clinton Foundation grift. Things get a lot worse when Hunter Biden enters the picture, and with this classified documents scandal, he has now entered the picture like the Kool-Aid man.
In 2018 Hunter Biden claimed he owned the house where Joe Biden kept classified documents alongside his Corvette in the garage Via @jj_talking pic.twitter.com/L7c80MRRiS
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) January 12, 2023
Just reading the top line there, things look really bad. Here, we have a probable criminal in Hunter Biden claiming on a background form that he owned Joe Biden’s house at the time when it was doubling as illegal storage for classified documents. But when you look at the form, things go from bad to worse.
For some reason, Hunter Biden claimed on the form that he was paying $49,910 in rent for Joe Biden’s Delaware residence. The house itself is only worth $2,000,000 in today’s market (and was built for a fraction of that). Why was Hunter Biden paying $49,910 in rent to his father? Where did all that money go?
There’s been a lot of speculation about how Biden’s son, who is currently facing a criminal investigation for tax fraud, may have funneled cash to his father. That speculation picked up several years ago after a mention of “10 percent for the Big Guy” was found in one of Hunter Biden’s emails. Paying a comically large amount of “rent” to Joe Biden would seem to be a little suspicious, would it not?
On the other hand, perhaps Hunter Biden was lying on the form and didn’t actually pay nearly $600,000 a year in “rent” for his father’s home as. That’s precisely why this stuff needs to be investigated. Yes, the classified documents scandal is a really big deal, but it feels like just the tip of the iceberg for the Biden family. Things are escalating, and none of this is going away just because CNN wills it.