Investigators immediately secured the crime scene in order to preserve whatever pieces of evidence were left. There was a broken Timex watch found on the ground, which, upon closer examination, was found to have flecks of house paint. Per Medium, a men’s boot print between the size 8 to 10 was discovered in the vicinity. Finger and palm prints were also found on the windows of Cheri Jo Bates’ Volkswagen.

Bates’ autopsy was done on the same day her body was discovered. She suffered 42 stab wounds on the upper part of her body, particularly the face, chest, and back. Her throat was also slit, which was identified as the fatal wound as it cut her jugular vein. According to the medical examiner, Bates’ time of death was between 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. She desperately tried to fight off the perpetrator, and she was able to pull off some hair, which was still clutched in her fist. Skin, presumably the attacker’s was also found underneath her fingernails. Despite the pieces of evidence left at the scene and on Bates’ body, investigators weren’t able to arrest anyone in relation to the murder.
