The successful comedy series This Fool has been officially renewed for a second season by Hulu. The program, created and starring Chris Estrada, will make its scripted television debut on July 28, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. ET. This Fool, based on Estrada’s own experiences, follows the life of Julio Lopez, a 30-year-old who willingly helps others but struggles to find his own road to satisfaction. Fans can expect more laughs and relatable moments in this widely anticipated new season.

Chris Estrada’s half-hour comedy returns for a second season.

The trailer for This Fool offers a look into the irreverent and cinematic universe of this half-hour comedy set in South Central Los Angeles’ working-class neighborhood. As the new season progresses, we see the fallout from Julio’s employment and love life coming apart. Together with his new roommate, Luis, he begins on a mission to reconstruct their lives, finding new jobs and personal relationships.

Julio and Luis traverse the hurdles and amusing situations that emerge in their search for personal development and satisfaction with the help and direction of colorful individuals such as Minister Payne and Chef Percy, who were formerly members of the “Huggers” club. The teaser teases the humorous and unexpected circumstances Julio and Luis find themselves in, highlighting their misfortunes as they embark on new occupations and loves. From job interviews to embarrassing interactions, viewers can anticipate a mix of meaningful and hilarious experiences.

this fool season 2

This Fool promises to be a fascinating story with a vivid cast of characters, humorous language, and a fresh take on life in South Central Los Angeles. Audiences can expect an enjoyable and realistic comedy that follows Julio and Luis as they traverse the obstacles of adulthood with humor and perseverance.

This Fool’s second season stars Chris Estrada, Frankie Quinones, and Michelle Ortiz.

This Fool’s brilliant cast returns for the highly anticipated second season. Chris Estrada plays Julio Lopez again, and he is accompanied by Frankie Quinones as Luis, Michelle Ortiz as Maggie, Laura Patalano as Esperanza, Julia Vera as Maria, and Michael Imperioli as Minister Payne. A talented collection of writers and executive producers, including Pat Bishop, Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson, Chris Estrada, and Pat Bishop, lead the creative team behind This Fool. Their combined expertise and comic prowess assure the show’s success. Notably, executive producers Fred Armisen and Jonathan Groff provide their skills to the project, taking it even further.

These people have been a part of major projects that have left an everlasting impression on the comedic world. Pat Bishop is well-known for his contributions to Comedy Bang! Bang! The highly praised series Corporate was co-created and starred Jake Weisman and Matt Ingebretson. Fred Armisen is a dynamic comedian who has been on Portlandia, Saturday Night Live, and Documentary Now! Jonathan Groff is well-known for his performances in Hamilton, Mindhunter, and Glee.

this fool season 2

This ABC Signature production is set to provide another season of side-splitting laughter and fascinating characters. Stay back for further details as the premiere date approaches, and prepare to be immersed in a lovely and hilarious experience in this Hulu comedy series.

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