In other words, we do not care about your reservations about the vaccine. We do not care that more and more studies are showing that the vaccines cause more harm than benefit in youth. We do not care about getting your permission to have your child vaccinated for our own good.

You must comply. Submit or you don’t get an education, you unwashed plebe.

It’s the same playbook used in California. It’s not going over well on this coast. But as my colleague Bob Hoge wrote when the Los Angeles Superior Court struck down the vaccine mandate attempted by the L.A. Unified School District:

Why does this ruling matter? Because public sector teachers unions, led by the likes of Randi Weingarten, pushed for school closures and mandates, and aren’t done with your children. The National Education Assocation’s ultimate goal for instance is for nationwide mandatory vaccination and masking

Of course, D.C. is not a state, but it is its own little fiefdom, as the Marxist Mayor Muriel Bowser has proven. We see how well that’s going too.

If you’ve been on this platform through this COVID pandemic, you know that the fiefdom known as the National Education Association (NEA), overseen by the egregious Randi Weingarten is dictating this. Minority children most harmed? Oh well, we’ve got our agenda and consequences be damned. That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.

This throwing children under the bus is very reminiscent of the incoming Obama administration’s punt on school choice through the D.C. voucher program. Obama chose to let the program die, rather than reinstitute it, even though it helped lower income (read: minority) children and their families.

From a 2009 U.S. News piece:

Despite giving lip service to education reform, the Obama administration has decided to put an end to the very successful D.C. school voucher program. This despite a United States Department of Education report that found students in the nation’s capital that were provided with vouchers allowing them to attend private school through the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program had made statistically significant gains in reading achievement.

According to the department’s evaluation of the three-year-old program, “those offered a scholarship were performing at statistically higher levels in reading—equivalent to 3.1 months of additional learning,” something very much in line with previous findings concerning the program’s effectiveness.

Columnist Juan Williams, who can often be found providing the liberal perspective on the Fox News Channel, called the decision to end the program, “Obama’s outrageous sin against our kids.


The D.C. voucher program provided D.C. parents desperate to find a quality education for their children a much needed lifeline. Unfortunately, as Williams pointed out, the program has fallen victim to the education politics.

The first Black President showed he did not care one whit about his own people and that the aspirational ideals he campaigned on were pure theater. The Obamas chose Sidwell Friends, an elite private school, for their own daughters. So, his family was blissfully unaffected.

It wouldn’t be the last time we saw this rank hypocrisy and double standard at play in the Obama administration, and both are still rife throughout these Leftist institutions that are chock full of Obama disciples. With a new control mechanism via the vaccines, those hypocritical and elitist standards become more and more stark as we have observed over the past several years.

These blunt force policies that focus on command and control agendas, rather than allowing children to thrive and be educated, will always create more victims than beneficiaries. Why is it any surprise that those victims are always the most vulnerable among us? With the COVID response and now the vaccine offensive, it’s the elderly and the young, the minorities, and the working class, who continue to bear the brunt of this elitist excess. Unelected bureaucrats and certain elected politicians want control over bodies and minds—forced vaccination is merely a means.

Adult compliance is proving more difficult than expected, so they will co-opt, reprogram, and repurpose our children.
