A transgender man has opened up about his gender transition while sharing eye-opening photos that document how he went from a shy child to a ripped and chiseled personal trainer.  

Matt Miller, 25, from California, was born and raised as a female – but by the age of five, he started becoming interested in boys’ clothes and toys.

He found himself wanting to look more like his brother and other young men, and only felt comfortable wearing long shorts and T-shirts. The gender struggle and his increasingly feminine body led Matt to suffer with depression throughout puberty and his school years.

Matt is now sharing his story for the first time, revealing incredible photos of his journey that show how his appearance has changed as he has undergone his gender transition – and embraced a love of fitness and weightlifting.

Transformation: Transgender personal trainer Matt Miller, 25, from California, is opening up about his gender identity struggle while sharing eye-opening photos of his transition

Transformation: Transgender personal trainer Matt Miller, 25, from California, is opening up about his gender identity struggle while sharing eye-opening photos of his transition

Transformation: Transgender personal trainer Matt Miller, 25, from California, is opening up about his gender identity struggle while sharing eye-opening photos of his transition

Transformation: Transgender personal trainer Matt Miller, 25, from California, is opening up about his gender identity struggle while sharing eye-opening photos of his transition

Transformation: Transgender personal trainer Matt Miller, 25, from California, is opening up about his gender identity struggle while sharing eye-opening photos of his transition

Struggle: The ripped fitness fanatic, who was born and raised as a female, first began suffering from gender dysphoria as a child, when he realized he was more interested in boys' clothing

Struggle: The ripped fitness fanatic, who was born and raised as a female, first began suffering from gender dysphoria as a child, when he realized he was more interested in boys' clothing

Struggle: The ripped fitness fanatic, who was born and raised as a female, first began suffering from gender dysphoria as a child, when he realized he was more interested in boys’ clothing

‘I never wanted to play with the girls, no matter who it was,’ Matt, a personal trainer, told Jam Press. ‘I didn’t want to be associated with “the girls” – it made me feel so gross.

‘It got worse as the years went on and I was diagnosed with severe depression in my freshman year of high school.

‘Some days I couldn’t even get out of bed or leave the house because I didn’t want people to see me or look at me.’

Matt saw several therapists and struggled with periods of self-harm.

By the time he was in his final year of high school, he found a mutual friend on Facebook who had transitioned, something he hadn’t realized was possible.

Matt said: ‘It just hit me that that was what I needed to do with my life. It was what I wanted. I always wanted to transition, I just didn’t know it was actually possible or even a thing.’

When he shared his plans with family and friends, he received plenty of support and found everyone ‘super accepting’.

Accepting: I always wanted to transition, I just didn't know it was actually possible or even a thing,' he recalled

Accepting: I always wanted to transition, I just didn't know it was actually possible or even a thing,' he recalled

Accepting: I always wanted to transition, I just didn't know it was actually possible or even a thing,' he recalled

Accepting: I always wanted to transition, I just didn't know it was actually possible or even a thing,' he recalled

Accepting: I always wanted to transition, I just didn’t know it was actually possible or even a thing,’ he recalled 

Support: Thankfully, Matt received a wealth of support from his family and friends, and he began researching how to begin his gender transition

Support: Thankfully, Matt received a wealth of support from his family and friends, and he began researching how to begin his gender transition

Support: Thankfully, Matt received a wealth of support from his family and friends, and he began researching how to begin his gender transition 

Happy: Matt began taking testosterone seven years ago, and he says he is now happier than ever - having also found love with his girlfriend of two years, Molly, 25

Happy: Matt began taking testosterone seven years ago, and he says he is now happier than ever - having also found love with his girlfriend of two years, Molly, 25

Happy: Matt began taking testosterone seven years ago, and he says he is now happier than ever – having also found love with his girlfriend of two years, Molly, 25

Matt said: ‘My mom had a harder time than my dad receiving the news.

‘Before I was born my sister passed, which I think made it harder for her to “lose” another daughter.

‘I told my parents that I wanted to sit them down and have a serious conversation with them when they got home and my dad guessed it on the third try and asked if I wanted a sex change.

‘I said yes and he said, “OK, let’s talk when I get home” – and to this day he is my number one supporter.

‘My mom was always supportive, it just took her a little longer to get used to the idea.’

He set about researching the process, watching YouTube videos of other trans men who had transitioned or were currently transitioning.

Matt said: ‘I wanted to really understand what transitioning entailed and what to expect.

‘I Googled “LGBTQ therapists” and found the perfect person for me, who turned out to be just who I needed in life. I saw my therapist for five months and then found a doctor who could prescribe me testosterone.’ 

Helping hand: Before he began taking testosterone, Matt started working with a therapist who helped him to address his gender dysphoria and come to terms with his true identity

Helping hand: Before he began taking testosterone, Matt started working with a therapist who helped him to address his gender dysphoria and come to terms with his true identity

Helping hand: Before he began taking testosterone, Matt started working with a therapist who helped him to address his gender dysphoria and come to terms with his true identity

Helping hand: Before he began taking testosterone, Matt started working with a therapist who helped him to address his gender dysphoria and come to terms with his true identity

Helping hand: Before he began taking testosterone, Matt started working with a therapist who helped him to address his gender dysphoria and come to terms with his true identity

Taking steps: In 2013, Matt began his gender transition. He was given 1ml of testosterone to take every 10 days to aid in his physical transformation

Taking steps: In 2013, Matt began his gender transition. He was given 1ml of testosterone to take every 10 days to aid in his physical transformation

Taking steps: In 2013, Matt began his gender transition. He was given 1ml of testosterone to take every 10 days to aid in his physical transformation

Process: 'My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,' he recalled, while noting that the first year of his testosterone injections were the hardest

Process: 'My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,' he recalled, while noting that the first year of his testosterone injections were the hardest

Process: 'My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,' he recalled, while noting that the first year of his testosterone injections were the hardest

Process: 'My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,' he recalled, while noting that the first year of his testosterone injections were the hardest

Process: ‘My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,’ he recalled, while noting that the first year of his testosterone injections were the hardest 

In 2013, Matt began his gender transition. He was given 1ml of testosterone to take every 10 days to aid in his physical transformation.

Medically, many gender transitions typically begin with hormone therapy; in the case of transgender men, testosterone is used to create more masculine characteristics, such as a deeper voice, facial hair growth, muscle growth, and the redistribution of fat away from the hips and breasts. 

Hormone therapy is also used to stop a transgender man from menstruating.

Within one month of starting it, Matt says noticed a difference in his appearance. 

‘My voice changed just slightly and my arm hairs were slightly darker,’ he recalled.

‘The first year always has the most changes because the testosterone is so new to your body.

‘Each month within the first year gave more changes than the previous, so by six months my voice was deeper and my body hair darker, longer and thicker.

‘My fat distributed a little different, my face had more structure around my jaw and I got an Adam’s apple.’

Medicine: 'Each month within the first year gave more changes than the previous, so by six months my voice was deeper and my body hair darker, longer and thicker,' Matt said

Medicine: 'Each month within the first year gave more changes than the previous, so by six months my voice was deeper and my body hair darker, longer and thicker,' Matt said

Medicine: ‘Each month within the first year gave more changes than the previous, so by six months my voice was deeper and my body hair darker, longer and thicker,’ Matt said 

Release: After beginning his testosterone injections, Matt turned to the gym as a form of escapism, and soon began building up an incredibly ripped physique

Release: After beginning his testosterone injections, Matt turned to the gym as a form of escapism, and soon began building up an incredibly ripped physique

Release: After beginning his testosterone injections, Matt turned to the gym as a form of escapism, and soon began building up an incredibly ripped physique 

'I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts,' he explained

'I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts,' he explained

'I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts,' he explained

'I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts,' he explained

‘I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts,’ he explained 

After starting his transition, Matt focused on fitness, using the gym for escapism while he continued to take testosterone – with some incredible results.

He now works out six days a week for up to two and a half hours and follows a basic diet of eggs, oats, fruits, vegetables, rice, potatoes, meat and fish.

He said: ‘I was going through a major mental rut and the gym was a place for me to escape my mind and thoughts.

‘I started watching bodybuilders on YouTube, followed their workout routines and their diets.

‘I started making my own splits, writing my own workouts and learning from there.

‘I found my passion and it made me grow and feel better in my body than I ever thought I could.’

Matt is now a personal trainer, working primarily with other trans men. 

Love: Matt met his girlfriend Molly in April 2019 and the pair quickly fell in love

Love: Matt met his girlfriend Molly in April 2019 and the pair quickly fell in love

Love: Matt met his girlfriend Molly in April 2019 and the pair quickly fell in love

Love: Matt met his girlfriend Molly in April 2019 and the pair quickly fell in love

Love: Matt met his girlfriend Molly in April 2019 and the pair quickly fell in love 

Trust: 'She is the most supportive person I have ever met and is so patient with me when I'm not feeling good in my body or having body dysphoria,' Matt said of his relationship

Trust: 'She is the most supportive person I have ever met and is so patient with me when I'm not feeling good in my body or having body dysphoria,' Matt said of his relationship

Trust: ‘She is the most supportive person I have ever met and is so patient with me when I’m not feeling good in my body or having body dysphoria,’ Matt said of his relationship

Pay it forward: Now, Matt works as a personal trainer, primarily working with other trans men

Pay it forward: Now, Matt works as a personal trainer, primarily working with other trans men

Pay it forward: Now, Matt works as a personal trainer, primarily working with other trans men

Pay it forward: Now, Matt works as a personal trainer, primarily working with other trans men

Pay it forward: Now, Matt works as a personal trainer, primarily working with other trans men

Balance: 'I found my passion and it made me grow and feel better in my body than I ever thought I could,' he said of his love of fitness

Balance: 'I found my passion and it made me grow and feel better in my body than I ever thought I could,' he said of his love of fitness

Balance: ‘I found my passion and it made me grow and feel better in my body than I ever thought I could,’ he said of his love of fitness

Future goals: Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so

Future goals: Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so

Future goals: Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so

Future goals: Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so

Future goals: Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so

He said: ‘A lot of them feel more comfortable training with another trans man as their trainer.

‘I also have a few female clients who are also a part of the LGBTQ community.

‘I really enjoy working with them – they’re a great community of people – but I do train cis individuals too.’

In April 2019, Matt found love with partner Molly, 25.

He said: ‘She is the most supportive person I have ever met and is so patient with me when I’m not feeling good in my body or having body dysphoria.

‘She reminds me on a daily basis how valid, important and loved I am.’

Now, Matt will continue to take testosterone for life or until his doctor says he no longer can do so. He has not shared whether he has already undergone surgery, or whether he plans to do so in the future. 

But while he has been through his fair share of struggles, Matt says it’s all worth it to finally feel comfortable in his body – and he says it may have even saved his life.

He added: ‘It’s been the hardest thing I’ve had to overcome and figure out. I’m not sure I would have made it to 25 if I never transitioned.’

Transitioning from female to male: What does it involve and how is it done?  

The transition process is different for every person, with some transgender men choosing to undergo surgery in order to change their physical appearance, while others rely simply on hormone therapy – including testosterone – to create masculine characteristics. 

According to Planned Parenthood, for many transgender people, the process often begins by taking several social steps, including coming out to friends and family, and asking people to refer to them by the pronouns that match their gender identity (him/he, her/she, they/them).

Going by a different name is also an important step for some, as is dressing in ways that better match your gender. 

Medically, gender transitional typically begins with hormone therapy; in the case of transgender men, testosterone is used to create more masculine characteristics, such as a deeper voice, facial hair growth, muscle growth, and the redistribution of fat away from the hips and breasts. 

Hormone therapy is also used to stop a transgender man from menstruating.

For those who choose to undergo surgery, there are several procedures that can be carried out, including ‘top’ surgery – which removes the breasts and breast tissue – and ‘bottom’ surgery to construct a penis. 

The phalloplasty typically involves doctors taking skin from other parts of the body to build a penis, while the metoidioplasty causes the clitoris to work more like a penis; hormone therapy usually makes it grow larger.  

Some transgender men also decide to get a hysterectomy to remove their female reproductive organs. 

However not all transgender people choose to transition, with some opting to take social steps without undergoing any medical treatment. 

‘There are many reasons for the differences in how people transition,’ the Planned Parenthood website states. 

‘These medical procedures can be very expensive, which means that not everyone can afford them. Some transgender people may have health insurance that covers transition-related procedures, and some may not. And finally, but most importantly — not all trans people want all of the available medical procedures.’



Source: Daily Mail

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