On his show on Friday night, Tucker Carlson went off on Joe Biden’s cognitive decline and he made some observations about Joe Biden that need some answers.

Carlson started with the story we reported from Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) who used to be the White House physician starting with George W. Bush, and he went on to serve in that post under Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Jackson tweeted a comment during the 2020 campaign suggesting that Biden needed a cognitive test after seeing some of what was going on. He then got an angry email immediately from Barack Obama.

From Fox News:

Well, within 20 minutes, Jackson recalls in his new memoir, Barack Obama sent him an email, a characteristically sneering one and we’re quoting, “I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot you took at Joe Biden via Twitter,” Obama said. “It was unprofessional. I expect better.” [….]

Do not notice what Joe Biden is actually like. If you see him on television turn away because you might conclude he is fundamentally, physically, cognitively unfit for office. You can’t say that and if you do, Barack Obama will scold you personally immediately.

Fast forward to 2022, and Carlson noted that now you’re getting questions all over the media about Biden’s condition.

PETER BAKER, NEW YORK TIMES: He tends to shuffle sometimes because he has, you know, mobility issues that the doctors have identified. He sometimes, his speeches tend to be a little listless or he seems to momentarily get confused or have trouble summoning names. [….]

VAN JONES: JONES: He does badly, when he stumbles, you get nervous and you wonder, is it just a stutter? Is he tired or something else? … Listen, if anybody says the Democrats aren’t beginning to have these questions behind closed doors, that’s not true. People are.

Tucker noted he’s been raising questions about Joe Biden since May 14, 2019, with this comment from Biden, allegedly on tariffs.

BIDEN: I’ll answer this question. The answer is yes, I do. The president has done nothing but increase the tariffs, the debt and the trade deficit. They way you have to proceed is we have to have our allies with us. It’s not just us. We have to keep the rest of the world together. Secondly, we should, labor should be at the table as well as our allies, because that’s the only thing and the fourth thing we should do is be focusing on the things that, in fact, I’ve been talking about for a long time. China’s greatest violation is the way in which they steal our intellectual property. We should make it quid pro quo, as I’ve told when I was dealing with Xi Jinping. It should be simple. Here’s the deal. You say that in fact anything has to be owned 50% by Chinese to invest in China. Guess what? In America, it’s the same thing. This idea of dealing with all, the only people who are paying the price our farmers and working people right now. He’s going about it all the wrong way. A lot of bravado, no action.

But wait a second, you’re saying to yourself, that didn’t make any sense. Not a single phrase in a full minute of talking conveyed an intelligible idea, not one. That wasn’t even word salad. It was a verbal Jackson Pollack painting. Nouns, verbs, adjectives spilled like cans of paint bleeding into each other—a sticky, post-modern mess. At one point, Biden actually jumped from point two directly to point four just to let you know that your old-fashioned linear assumptions about numerical sequencing are no good here, man. That’s yesterday’s mathematics.

We’ve seen a lot of stuff like this from Joe Biden since then.

But then Carlson mentioned something that raises a lot of questions.

So, we drew a conclusion that now sounds ridiculous, but it seemed logical at the time. This guy can’t be the Democratic nominee. He can barely speak. How did he manage to get through the campaign? Well, it turned out, we learned later, his staff supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance, checking the time in at a certain hour, giving him a dose of something. Now, it’s not a guess. We’re not making that up. We’ve spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times.

Now, before taking the medication, this person said, Biden was “like a small child. You couldn’t communicate with him.” He changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs. No one’s pushing to know what those drugs are. We should know.

Democrats knew there were issues with Joe Biden, he said, but they didn’t care about the country, because all they were concerned about was power.

Now I don’t know if that story about the pills is true. Since we don’t know who the source is, I don’t know how to evaluate it. But it raises a lot of concerns, if true, and the American people certainly deserve to know the answers. Biden’s doctor has not reported on any cognitive issues.

But what we do know is that there have been questions about Biden’s cognitive ability for some time and going overseas as he just did tends to highlight those questions — it embarrasses us before the world and endangers national security. We’ve seen how foreign leaders have had to help him, such as when the Israeli President Isaac Herzog had to physically guide him to his seat this week as Biden shuffled forward and then lowered himself slowly into the seat. The comparison to Herzog — who is 61 — was striking. As I wrote, it’s not even so much how our friends are dealing with it, so much as how our enemies are taking it in. We saw how he commented seeming to say that a minor incursion might not incur the same type of response as a more involved attack from Russia regarding Ukraine. Russia then invaded. We saw even in the case of Shinzo Abe being assassinated, no response from Biden for hours after the shooting, until the morning.

It feels like it’s getting worse and we deserve some answers.
