Love And Romance

oi-Prerna Aditi

on February 8, 2021

Propose Day marks the second day of the valentine’s week. It is observed on 8 February every year. The day is a very special one for those who are in love with someone. The day is celebrated with an aim to propose one’s feelings and emotions to his/her crush or special one. People wait for this day throughout the year. If you are also thinking to propose your crush or express your feelings for that person, then we have brought some beautiful and romantic lines that you can share with him/her. Scroll down the article to read more.

1. There are no doubt many ways to stay happy in life but my heart knows only way and that’s by living with you. Happy Propose Day my love.

2. On this Propose Day, I want you to know that my heart is meant to love you and only you. I cannot imagine my life without you.

3. Though I have proposed my feelings to you long ago, today I want to express my feelings for you, once again. I love you and wish you a Happy Propose Day.

4. My life seems so beautiful when I see you around. You make me feel complete. Happy Propose Day my love.

5. Darling, ever since you walked into my life, it seems like a fairytale. You are a wonderful partner. I wish you a Happy Propose Day.

6. You always complain about why I never express my feelings for you. On this Propose Day, I want you to know that I love you. I wish you to be with me till eternity.

7. Sweetheart, you are the only person I want to share my life with. I could have never asked for a better partner. I love you.

8. They say honesty is the best policy. Let me be honest today. You have stolen my heart and my mind just can’t stop thinking about you. I love you.

9. On this Propose Day, I want you to ask if you would be happy spending your life with me? Because, I am ready to live my life with you and cannot imagine being with anyone else.

10. The moment you held my hand for the first time, I knew you were the one I have been asking from the Almighty. I love you and I mean it!

11. You may call it a proposal but it’s my true feelings for you. You have my heart and I have no intentions of taking it back. Just wanted to let you know that I have fallen in love with you.

12. After spending so many years with you, I often ask myself, how I used to live before you came into my life? Because now I cannot live a single minute without you.

13. Your heart is the best place for me to live. Would you allow me to stay there forever, while you stay in mine?

14. Thank God, it’s Propose Day. Now I can finally express my true feelings for you. I love you with all my heart.

15. Do you know that I am smitten on you from the very first day I saw you? I have fallen in love with everything that you do, the way you laugh, talk, rejoice and help others. I love you and I feel blessed to feel for you.

16. Dear wifey, you are a wonderful person that ever walked into my life. You have this magic of making things beautiful and lively. I love you and wish you a Happy Propose Day.

17. This Propose Day, I want you to know that no matter what, I will always stay by your side. You will always be in my heart. I love you my dear.

18. Dear husband, I love the way you work hard to provide me a better and comfortable life. I appreciate the way you let me what I want to be. I wish you a Happy Propose Day.

19. To be with you is one of the best things in my life. Today I want to confess my true feelings for you. I love you dear and I wish to be with you till my last breath.

20. What would be my life without you? A mere boring and mediocre one. But I feel blessed that you came into it to love me and help me evolve into a better human.


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Source: boldsky blog