The best way to describe Lori Mills is as a modern-day Minuteman. Surveying California’s political landscape, she felt a deep call to action and filed her papers to run. Like many other Americans running for office for their first time this year, the native Californian made the decision to run motivated by wanting to restore balance to the State Legislature. She is part of a wave of outsiders intent on ending the one-party supermajority that describes California politics.

On a broader scale, people like Lori Mils are testing the water in 2022 about whether ordinary Americans or political insiders should hold the reins of power in the United States. In the next month, we will see if the nation’s sentiment lies with Mills and her cohorts; or if the establishment will prevail.

This interview runs about 20 minutes, which gives the viewer enough time to see not just the policy positions Mills takes, but the human motivation behind why she takes her position and feels they connect with the people that live in the 42nd district.

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Mills describes herself as someone who isn’t beholden to the special interests, which she says have too much sway over Sacramento. She is a businesswoman, retired from a career at investment powerhouse Berkshire-Hathaway, who decided to file her candidacy to come out of retirement and enter the intense routine of legislation.

Mills’ official campaign website is at, where she outlines the six major points of her campaign, which include: the rights of parents, her support of law enforcement, reining in government spending, dealing with homelessness, correcting government overreach, and dealing with illegal immigration. She explains these positions, and her thoughts behind them, in the video above.

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