Senator Roger Marshall is the junior senator from Kansas. Besides being a senator, he’s also a physician and former military officer. Since coming to the Senate from the House in 2021, he has put both his training as a doctor and his experience in the military to work in his time in office. During a trip to the Texas border, he provided some medical attention to a woman who was being trafficked across the Mexican border into Texas.
Marshall was on a trip to the border with sheriffs from Kansas. He was on a ride-along with Brooks County Sheriff Department deputies. During that time, Border Patrol agents spotted a human trafficker dropping off a group of migrants who were then picked up by others. After a brief chase, the vehicle carrying the migrants was pulled over. One woman was found to have been suffering from dehydration, heat exhaustion, and suffering from cuts on her hands. The cuts were likely from barbed wire fencing and she also complained of an injured knee. Senator Marshall went into Doctor Marshall mode and helped her.
There’s a video. It’s titled “Doctor First”.
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Some in the group got away. The woman is one who tried to run but was captured by law enforcement. Border Patrol took custody of her after she was given water and looked at by Marshall. This is the humanitarian crisis that has been brought about by Biden’s border crisis. Human traffickers are making a lot of money off Biden’s dereliction of duty. It is his job to secure the border and he has deliberately failed to do so. Migrants like this woman are brought to the border and many of them try to be apprehended by Border Patrol or another law enforcement agency along the border. They know that once here, they will likely be allowed to stay.
Sheriff Benny Martinez said there is no deterrent now at the border. It’s hard to argue with that. Since Biden took office, the southern border has been overwhelmed with migrants from around the world, especially from Northern Triangle countries (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador). We’ve seen waves of Haitian migrants and from Venezuela and Cuba. Ukrainian refugees came to the border seeking entry until the Biden administration made it happen that they could just fly into the country and receive temporary protected status. The truth is that migrants are coming from countries around the world and that includes people who have been designated as terrorists, or suspected of being terrorists.
Marshall explained what he did to help the woman who he thinks was likely close to death.
“The one young lady was obviously having heat exhaustion, and maybe she was bordering on heat stroke so when they brought her I was able to look at her, and …her respiration was really fast, her pulse was 140, she hadn’t drunk water in two days, her knee was hurting, her hand was cut up from the barbed wire fence, and I really think she’d have probably died in, I don’t know, an hour or two.”
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“We got her cooled down, got water to her, just basic first aid, so that’s what you’re seeing me attend to her health needs,” he said.
“I don’t get intimidated by situations and when they brought her back over the fence and I saw her breathing as she was I knew she was in distress, the agent yelled for help, and she was semi-conscious, fading in and out. That’s heat exhaustion going into heatstroke, and once heat stroke starts, it’s almost irreversible,” he said.
Despite him stepping up to help, he emphasized that Border Patrol agents, who do this work and tackle these conditions every day, are the heroes of the story.
“Those poor officers are expected to be nurses, social workers, psychologists and at the same time have to keep themselves safe and keep America safe,” he said. “I was able to do my little part, but they’re the true heroes, not me.”
Senator Marshall described the Biden border crisis as an “unsustainable humanitarian crisis”. Everyone who wants to honestly look at the crisis understands that, even Secretary Mayorkas admitted as much in a candid moment. He and Joe Biden just don’t care enough to secure the border and end the crisis. The senator said that Biden needs to take responsibility and visit the border to see for himself what he has created. “He needs to go see what I saw, not fly into a little airport there and say, ‘I went to the border’ like the vice president. Joe Biden needs to go see the crisis he’s created.”
Don’t hold your breath, Senator. Biden’s trip to Uvalde last weekend is the only time he’ll be anywhere near a border with Mexico. He’s too busy blaming everyone else for all his failures to take responsibility for anything.
Senator Marshall did the right thing – The Hippocratic Oath he took was honored and the fact that the woman was criminally entering the country was attended to. Border Patrol was there to take her away and they did. Marshall wears many hats. He’s held Fauci accountable during the pandemic, as well as helping military service members with vaccine mandates so that they are not dishonorably discharged. He’s also mentioned that maybe Joe Biden should be required to have annual cognitive testing. I think that’s something we can all get behind.