Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that can be sourced from your diet. However, people can develop a B12 deficiency for a number of reasons. There are several common symptoms associated with a deficiency, but some of them can be rather painful.

When you are deficient in vitamin B12, you can develop what is known as “deficiency anaemia”.

According to the NHS, among the most commonly reported symptoms are some uncomfortable changes to your tongue and mouth.

People may develop “a sore and red tongue” known as glossitis, or mouth ulcers.

Ulcers can develop on the gums or tongue, and though they usually clear up on their own, they can be uncomfortable when present.

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How is a vitamin B12 deficiency treated?

If you think you might have developed vitamin B12 anaemia, it is urgent you visit your doctor as soon as possible.

This is because deficiency anaemia should be diagnosed and treated rapidly.

The NHS explains: “Although many of the symptoms improve with treatment, some problems caused by the condition can be irreversible if left untreated.

“The longer the condition goes untreated, the higher the chance of permanent damage.”

Of the two, hydroxocobalamin is usually the recommended option as it stays in the body for longer.

If your vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by a lack of the vitamin in your diet, you may be prescribed vitamin B12 tablets to take every day between meals.

Or you may need to have an injection of hydroxocobalamin twice a year.

However, if your vitamin B12 deficiency has been caused by something other than your diet, you’ll usually need to have an injection of hydroxocobalamin every two to three months for the rest of your life.

Source: Daily Express

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