First, I’m over the Dylan Mulvaney-Bud Light discussion — way over — to the point of ridiculousness. But when I ran across former Fox News host Megyn Kelly‘s latest podcast, in which she tag-teamed with Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles to blister the bejesus out of the subject, I had to write about it.
On Monday’s episode of “The Megyn Kelly Show,” Kelly went after Anheuser-Busch (A-B) big-time — over its transparent panicked attempt to stop the bleeding caused by Bud Light’s ill-advised hookup [no pun intended] with cartoonish “transgender” Mulvaney — with a syrupy patriotic ad, which only made things worse for the brewer. So how big-time did Kelly go? This big-time:
Screw you and your stupid empty platitudes.
Kelly correctly accused A-B of promoting a person who’s “made a mockery of womanhood and girlhood.”
This person who’s on their beer can has made a mockery of womanhood and girlhood for literally the past year and has been celebrated by far-lefties all across the country. But to see what’s supposed to be a mainstream beer company do it was a bridge too far. That’s why they’re having the reaction they are.
Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth publicly addressed the out-of-control controversy for the first time on Friday. In what appeared to be an attempt to backtrack on the partnership with Mulvaney, Whitworth said in a statement on Twitter that his only goal is to bring people together.
We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.
Uh-huh. So you spend decades and untold millions of dollars promoting Bud Light as the “everyman’s beer,” then you get the brilliant idea that promoting a man who caricatures women — at best — is going to “bring people together,” how, exactly? I mean, this dumpster fire made the disastrous 1985 “New Coke” rollout, which still lives in marketing infamy, look not all that bad, in comparison.
As I suggested at the top, Kelly wanted zero to do with Whitworth’s statement.
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[It was a] pathetic, rambling, empty-air sandwich of — I can’t even call it an apology — an attempt to dissuade people from hating his company and him. It was an utter fail.
Screw you and your stupid empty platitudes. I read this, I’m like, ‘Oh, your little, market-tested buzzwords on what’s supposed to stir up our patriotism.’ Too late, sir! The buzzwords we were looking for: ‘I’m sorry. We screwed up.’
Incidentally, Michael Knowles killed it, too — which, as followers of the Daily Wire dude are well aware, he does with ease.
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If you haven’t had the “pleasure” of watching any of Mulvaney’s repulsive Bud Light promos on TikTok, you can watch one here.
The Bottom Line
Anheuser-Busch’s monstrous Mulvaney fail will live in marketing infamy, alongside “New Coke” and other such disasters, which might make one think that this latest example of “Go woke, go broke” — while it won’t break the bank completely for A-B — would be a wake-up call to American corporations to stop pandering to a minute percentage of the population at the risk and expense of alienating loyal customers.
One would likely be wrong. When societies reach a point where right is wrong, and wrong is right, common sense and logic have already been “washed” down the drain, by some — like so much lousy beer.
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