As it stands now, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in a good position to be reelected in November no matter whether his opponent is Republican-turned-Independent-turned-Democrat Rep. Charlie Crist or Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.

Fried’s campaign is so desperate at this point that it appears she’s now making up stories – and denying them – about a supposed rumor that there’s a “sex tape” of her out there. On the other hand, Crist appears to be the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic gubernatorial primary in August.

In any event, Crist, a political chameleon and former governor of the state, took to the Twitter machine Monday to proudly share an endorsement that was recently made on his behalf. The vote of confidence came from none other than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who noted that she’s “worked with Charlie for the past six years in Congress, and I’m seeing him fight for Floridians every single day.”

Suggesting Crist “always puts people first,” Pelosi also proclaimed that his far-left priorities like “reproductive rights” would be in “stark contrast to the current governor” and his priorities.


When I saw the video, I immediately thought to myself that unbeknownst to Pelosi, this was actually an in-kind contribution to DeSantis’s reelection campaign efforts. I wasn’t the only one:

Seriously. DeSantis’ priorities being vastly different from the left’s is one big reason why he’s remained so popular in the state, so Pelosi noting that Crist’s will be a 180 from DeSantis’ is actually a huge point in the governor’s favor.

Beyond that, short of some major scandal – not the fake ones that the Florida press routinely makes up about DeSantis but an actual genuine scandal that directly implicates DeSantis, it is likely to be smooth-sailing for him come fall. I mean when you’ve consistently polled well in your state and your opponents are more well-known for their “George Hamilton tans” and bizarre DeSantis-Nazi comparisons (not to mention the use of crude terminology) than anything they’ve actually done in office, then you’re in pretty good shape no matter which way one slices the apple.

In fact, things are looking so good for DeSantis that the Democrat Governor’s Association made clear back in November they think Florida is pretty much a lost cause to them, so much so that they are “limiting” how much help they’ll give Democrats in the state, including whoever wins the gubernatorial nomination.

Unfortunately for Florida Democrats, help is not on the way unless they think “help” from Pelosi is the right kind of help. Fortunately for us, DeSantis’ detractors in Florida, Washington, D.C., and beyond will continue to inadvertently give voters in the Sunshine State even more reasons to vote for him as we get further into the 2022 campaign season. And even if they didn’t, there would always be this classic clip, which should remove any lingering doubts as to just who should lead the state:

Any questions? 😉

Related: Ron DeSantis Turns Tables on NYC Mayor Eric Adams After ‘Free Speech’ Attack on Florida Backfires
