When Lia Thomas “won” the NCAA swimming championship in Atlanta, it elicited the usual level of controversy, and the “boos” definitely outweighed the “yays.” The answer why is obvious: Thomas is a biological male who is competing against biological females, and every sane person still left in America knows why this is absurd.
The New York Times reported:
But Thomas’s triumph in Atlanta — indeed, her very presence at the swimming championships as a contender — came amid a far larger storm, particularly in statehouses and right-wing media, about sports participation by transgender girls and women. The issue, which on Thursday drew a handful of demonstrators to the Georgia Tech complex that hosted the championships, had long buffeted the college sports industry. But it intensified as Thomas posted times that left opponents far behind and put some collegiate records under new pressure.
The Times is right – much of the resistance to Thomas’ “victory” is coming from the right – but it appears that even women’s groups and feminists are beginning to take umbrage at the idea that biological men should be able to compete against females. They contend that people like Thomas are encroaching on their sports by using their biological advantages to dominate. RedState’s Sarah Lee wrote:
Given that Lia has made no real moves toward transitioning to a woman besides hormone treatments and simply verbally embracing the female gender — the male parts remain as does a reported interest in dating women, by some reports — this is all starting to feel very like something most women have had to deal with in some version or another in their lives: men supplanting them in accolades despite their hard work and achievements.
In short, it’s beginning to feel a lot like toxic misogyny.
RedState’s Sister Toldjah echoed Lee’s sentiments, pointing out how women who dare to speak out against the idea that biological males should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports are often scolded into silence. She wrote:
Remarkably, that very same scenario is playing out as we speak. Any woman – even those who have been highly regarded in the past as feminist and/or LGBT icons – who speaks out against the allowance of biological males in women’s sports gets told to shut up, sit down, and stay in their lane – and the shutuppery is coming from the very side of the aisle who just a few years ago repeatedly shouted through their megaphones about how the GOP was waging a “war on women” because of pro-life bills and judges who appeared to share that philosophy who were being confirmed.
This debate has been raging for years now, and even now, the far left is hard at work trying to convince America that Thomas’ “victory” is something to be celebrated. They are attempting to enforce this idea by shaming anyone who gives anything other than unadulterated praise as transphobic bastards. They seek to intimidate people into going along with this farce. This is how they have been able to get away with this absurdity for so long.
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Let’s cut through the horse manure.
Everyone knows this is wrong. All of us, regardless of political affiliation, can see it. The emperor has no clothes. So, when the hell are we going to do something about it?
The fact that the hard leftists who want us to heap praise on Thomas are loud (and obnoxious) is not a reason for us to remain silent. Some of the parents of the women whom Thomas defeated have made their feelings known. Indeed, parents of other female athletes who have had to compete against biological males in other sports have also spoken out.
But, we need more.
Progressives pushing this foolishness are not invincible, nor do they have a monopoly on speech. Female athletes and their parents should loudly protest. Voters should support officials who are willing to take on this issue without being afraid of being labeled a bigot. Let’s stop pretending the far-left is a Leviathan that cannot be defeated.
Want some proof?
Look at what is happening in the debates over Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender theory, and other progressive ideas being infused in America’s classrooms. We saw parents come out in full force to protest. They swarmed school board and city council meetings to express their opposition to this attempted indoctrination. Many, like RedState’s Kira Davis, are running for school board seats to oust members who support the injection of wokeism in schools.
To put it simply, we are winning the battle. Despite incessant whining from the left, voters have gotten legislation passed in states like Florida that are designed to protect the rights of parents to know what their children are being taught. They are winning victories against those who believe children belong to the state, not the parents.
If people who oppose the notion that males should compete against females are willing to show up in full force to push back, this will change. It has to. But again, we have to be ready to stand up against the crybullies who will just pretend we are bigots. Otherwise, this new trend will become ensconced. At some point, it will be too late to push back. The question is: Are we prepared to fight this battle?