Fern Britton has been through an impressive weight loss transformation in recent years. She has reportedly shed a staggering 5st and dropped from a size 22 to size 12 – how did she do it?

This is an operation some use when they are looking to lose drastic weight and should not be done lightly.

She explained she made the decision to do so primarily for her health.

“I had the gastric band for health reasons,” she told Mail Online in 2011.

“My cholesterol was high. My knee joints were starting to hurt. I wasn’t able to run.


“I was approaching 50 and I thought: ‘Do you know what? I’m going to be different when I’m 50′.”

After the surgery, Fern claimed her health improved and she was able to live a better lifestyle.

She continued: “For me it’s worked. I’ve got good cholesterol now. I’m incredibly fit.”

The former This Morning host is also known to follow a healthy diet plan when trying to stay slim.

An insight to her diet plan was given by her former husband, TV chef Phil Vickery.

He said: “Fern has cut right back on carbohydrates and eats a really healthy diet now with loads of vegetables and fruit.

“She likes my cooking. Family meals are old-fashioned favourites, like cottage pie or chicken with lots of veg and salad.”

Following a low carb diet plan is often considered beneficial for weight loss.

One study published in the National Library of Medicine saw 79 obese adults restrict their carb intake for six months.

They cut down to less than 30 grams of carbs a day and lost around 8.8 pounds more than those who restricted their fat intake instead.

Experts at Healthline also commented on its benefits.

They stated: “In general, reducing your carb intake can help you lose weight.

“Replacing carbs with protein or fat can help you feel more full and eat fewer overall calories, which in turn promotes weight loss.

“In addition, very-low-carb diets typically promote rapid weight loss in the first few weeks due to a quick drop in water weight. This is because every gram of carbs holds approximately three grams of water in your body.”

Source: Daily Express | Diet