Apple cider vinegar has so many uses in the kitchen but has also become popular with people seeking weight loss results.

Having been used as a health tonic for thousands of years, the acidic condiment has garnered a reputation for being a modern dieting supplement.

Many dieters claim that when taken correctly and at specific times, apple cider vinegar aids whole-body fat loss.

According to Healthline, this is the case because apple cider is a natural way to control blood sugar levels.

Therefore, when taken before a heavy meal that consists of a lot of carbohydrates, the vinegar can slow the rate of stomach emptying as well as prevent large sugar spikes.

The vinegar doesn’t need to be consumed in large quantities to warrant results either. It has been proven to help reduce belly fat in small doses in as little as one week, some claim.

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn forms of fat due to the amount of dense fat cells around the stomach area, and many people find it near-impossible to shift even when following a diet and regularly exercising.

When it comes to choosing how to consume apple cider vinegar, a common habit adopted by many fans of the condiment is to drink it just before bed.

The product is made from fermented apples which are then crushed and squeezed to reduce the fruits to liquid form.

Some evidence suggests that drinking small amounts of apple cider vinegar before bed may help lower morning blood sugars but in terms of weight loss, Healthline recommends drinking it before meals.

Sipping on it during daylight hours is thought to promote weight loss more so than if consumed before turning in for the night, partly because it can curb sugar cravings which are often what leads to snacking.

Consuming a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed in water before a meal may reduce your food intake which will in turn help you lose weight.

Mixing the vinegar into a full drink is easy to do, just combine a shot of it into a glass of water.

Consuming quantities of around 20ml (roughly four teaspoons) has been linked to positive results for weight loss and belly fat without contributing significantly to one’s daily intake of carbs or calories.

According to Healthline, adding 15-30ml of apple cider vinegar to water two to three times a day should be sufficient. And, when combined with a calorie-deficit diet, can help you lose weight fast with results showing as quickly as within one week.

Instead of filling up glasses of water with apple cider vinegar throughout the day, it may help to fill up a 1.5-litre bottle and add a drizzle of the acidic liquid to sip on throughout the day. Doing so through a straw is recommended as the acidity can cause erosion to the tooth enamel.

Those considering adding it to their diet should be aware that consuming more than around 237ml of apple cider vinegar every day for many years can lead to low blood potassium levels or osteoporosis.

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