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Adaptogenic mushrooms have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential health benefits, especially for stress management and overall wellness. These natural fungi, known for their adaptogenic properties, can help the body adapt to various stressors, whether physical, mental or environmental.

Here, we explore what adaptogenic mushrooms are, the different types available, their health benefits and potential risks based on scientific studies and research.

What Are Adaptogenic Mushrooms?

Adaptogenic mushrooms are a category of mushrooms that fall under the broader group of adaptogens — substances that help the body resist stress. Adaptogens work by supporting the body’s ability to maintain balance or homeostasis.

Adaptogenic mushrooms are unique in that they contain bioactive compounds like beta-glucans, polysaccharides and antioxidants, which help modulate the immune system, improve mental clarity and reduce inflammation.

Unlike traditional mushrooms used for cooking or flavor, adaptogenic mushrooms are primarily used for their medicinal properties in the form of powders, teas, tinctures and supplements.

To be classified as an adaptogen, a substance must meet three criteria:

  1. It must be non-toxic when taken in normal doses.
  2. It must help the body cope with stress.
  3. It must allow the body to return to balance (homeostasis).

Adaptogenic mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. Today, they are gaining recognition in Western wellness practices for their potential health benefits.


Several types of mushrooms are considered adaptogenic, each offering unique benefits. The most commonly known and studied include:

1. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi is often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality” due to its wide range of benefits. Research shows it can boost the immune system, combat fatigue and support better sleep.

Reishi also is known for its potential to promote relaxation.

2. Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus)

Lion’s mane is known for its potential cognitive benefits, including supporting memory and focus. Studies suggest that it may improve memory, mental clarity and protect against neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s.

3. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus)

Chaga is rich in antioxidants and may reduce inflammation, support immune function and protect cells from oxidative stress.

4. Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis)

This genus of fungi may help improve energy levels and athletic performance. Research reveals cordyceps are linked to improved energy and athletic performance by enhancing oxygen utilization.

This type of mushrooms is also known to boost libido and reduce fatigue.

5. Turkey tail (Trametes versicolor)

Turkey tail is well-known for its potential immune-supporting properties and its use as an adjunct therapy for cancer treatment. For instance, it’s been used to help with the treatment of:

6. Maitake (Grifola frondosa)

Maitake mushrooms are thought to help balance blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol and support the immune system.

7. Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)

A popular culinary mushroom, shiitake may also offer immune support and cardiovascular benefits.

Health Benefits

Research suggests that adaptogenic mushrooms may offer a variety of health benefits:

1. Stress and anxiety reduction

Adaptogens help balance stress hormones like cortisol. For example, reishi and cordyceps have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both animal and human studies.

This is because adaptogenic mushrooms help modulate the body’s stress response, potentially reducing the negative effects of chronic stress.

In addition, some studies suggest that certain adaptogenic mushrooms may have mood-enhancing effects, potentially helping with symptoms of anxiety and depression.

2. Cognitive function and mental health

Some adaptogenic mushrooms have shown potential in supporting brain health and cognitive function.

For instance, lion’s mane has garnered attention for its neuroprotective properties. It may promote nerve regeneration and support brain health by reducing inflammation.

3. Immune system support

Many adaptogenic mushrooms contain compounds that may enhance immune function and help the body defend against pathogens. That’s way many adaptogenic mushrooms, particularly reishi, turkey tail and chaga, are considered immunomodulators.

They help regulate the immune system, boosting its ability to fight infections while preventing it from overreacting, which can lead to autoimmune issues.

4. Anti-inflammatory effects

Inflammation is linked to various chronic conditions, like arthritis, heart disease and even cancer. Adaptogenic mushrooms like chaga and reishi contain powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, which may help lower the risk of these diseases.

Many of these mushrooms also are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and damage.

5. Energy and athletic performance

Certain adaptogenic mushrooms, like cordyceps, may help improve energy levels and physical performance.

Cordyceps have been studied for their ability to increase ATP production, which enhances physical endurance and stamina. This mushroom is particularly popular among athletes for its potential to improve performance.

6. Cancer-fighting properties

Turkey tail contains polysaccharides that have been used alongside conventional cancer treatments. Preliminary research indicates that these mushrooms may enhance immune function in cancer patients, potentially slowing the growth of tumors, and just about every adaptogenic mushroom has shown potential to work as a cancer-fighting food.

Safety, Risks and Side Effects

While adaptogenic mushrooms are generally considered safe for most people, there are some safety considerations and potential side effects to keep in mind:

  • Allergic Reactions: As with any natural product, some individuals may have allergic reactions to specific mushrooms. It’s important to start with a small dose to test for any adverse reactions.
  • Drug Interactions: Certain adaptogenic mushrooms can interact with medications, particularly blood thinners and immunosuppressants.. For example, reishi may thin the blood and should be used with caution by individuals taking anticoagulants. Consult with a health care provider before use, especially if you’re taking any medications.
  • Side Effects: Some users may experience mild side effects, such as digestive upset, dry mouth or dizziness. Reishi, in particular, has been reported to cause dry mouth or throat in some individuals.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is limited research on the safety of adaptogenic mushrooms during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s best to avoid use during these times unless under the guidance of a health care professional.
  • Quality and Sourcing: Ensure you’re purchasing adaptogenic mushroom products from reputable sources to avoid contamination or misidentification.
  • Dosage: Follow recommended dosages on product labels or as advised by a health care provider. Excessive consumption may lead to unwanted side effects.


  • Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve focus or support your immune system, adaptogenic mushrooms are a natural option worth considering. With growing scientific interest in these fungi, their use in holistic health is likely to expand in the coming years.
  • Adaptogenic mushrooms offer a wide range of potential health benefits, from stress reduction to immune support and cognitive enhancement. The unique compounds found in these mushrooms make them a powerful tool for maintaining overall well-being.
  • Adaptogenic mushrooms offer a fascinating intersection of traditional wisdom and modern science in the pursuit of wellness.
  • While research is ongoing, these fungi show promise in supporting various aspects of health.
  • As with any supplement, it’s crucial to approach adaptogenic mushrooms with an informed perspective, considering both their potential benefits and risks.
  • Always consult with a health care professional before incorporating adaptogenic mushrooms into your wellness routine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications — or you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

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