To pass the time when he was supposed to be in classes, he got involved with the online game Perfect World. According to the game’s website, Perfect World is a multiplayer online game where gamers can explore new environments and battle undead creatures. Zaman met lots of people through the game, where players can build guilds of up to 80 members.

All the while, Zaman knew that time was running out -– his supposed college graduation date was July 27, 2019, as Mirror reports. He couldn’t deceive them any longer, or they would find out he had lied to them for years. Around 3 p.m. the day before he was supposed to graduate, Zaman killed his 50-year-old mother, Momotaz, hitting her with a crowbar and then slitting her throat. According to Toronto Life, he then killed his 70-year-old grandmother Firoza who was napping with Momotaz.

While waiting for his sister and father to get home, Zaman played Perfect World. He hit his sister, 21-year-old Malesa, as she walked through the door, and slit her throat too. Roughly an hour later, around midnight, Zaman attacked his final victim, his 59-year-old father Moniruz, who he also bludgeoned before cutting his throat.

As one player put it, he seemed to have murdered his family and told his online Perfect World friends about it in real-time, sending graphic crime scene photos to prove it (via YouTube). Zaman even texted other friends, saying that he had been planning the violent attack for the entire time he was in college, Mirror reported.
